For me every new day is a blessing. One thing I learned from my dad is the fact that greatness is the price of hard work and commitment. For me, everyday I'm gifted to see, I take it as enough opportunity to achieve greater height and that is why I tag this month my month of gaining greater height when I talk about height I don't mean the normal human height which can be measured with a tape, the height I mean is more like a measure of my achievement and success in life.
Now that I'm a member of the #cleanplanet community engaging in regular cleaning activities is actually one of my goals this month. If I can actually engage in cleaning activity regularly without slacking I would say that I'm achieving greater heights in participating in the cleanplanet mission.
This morning I decided to move out and clean up my street. Today being Monday, a work day, people will surely walk past my street both students workers and normal citizens. So this morning I decided to make my street clean as much as possible before going on to do other house chores in preparation for school.
Carrying out the normal processes of cleaning activity which involves clearing of the trash by the roadside gathering them and properly disposing of them at a dumb site or trash can.
This new month seems to be running fast but that's not my issue, all I'm concerned about is the fact that I'm going to achieve every of my goals before the month runs out.
This month, I'm probably going to be done with my exams and surely have a little break. Within this period of break I believe I would improve in my engagement on Hive as well as my personal life.
Thanks friends for stopping by.
I'm happy you've stopped by to check up on my cleaning post.