taste is influenced not only by the biological mechanisms but environmental factors as well
Almost impossible to separate environmental/epigenetic influences from inherent biology (before epigenetic influences).
When I was 23 I was casting about for direction, looking for a career path to follow because I wasn't happy with where I was. 3 days, on and off, of comprehensive testing and the result? I showed both male and female preferences. I couldn't be pigeonholed in a vocation identified with either gender. Who, I wondered, came up with those stereotypes? This was obviously so culturally specific.
There may be some built-in differences between the genders, but that would be almost impossible to determine because culture so thoroughly distorts our natures.
As always, your blog is quite interesting.
How about you? Do your taste preferences fit the model (salty over sweet?) Give me a salty chip over a cookie any day (although I can't resist icing/sans the cake😄).