(Spanish/English) Rica sopa de la abuela - Grandma's delicious soup

in Proof of Brain17 days ago

Un cordial saludo apreciados amigos!.
El día de hoy no pude ir a comer sopa a donde mi abuela pero ella me llamó para decirme que me había guardado, se sintió tan bonito que a pesar de que no fui ella me tomó en cuenta y me guardó comida como siempre, ella prepara una sopa divina y la prepara todos los domingos, ya es costumbre ir todos los domingos a comer sopa a casa de la abuela, solo que hoy no pude ir porque estaba trabajando sin embargo siempre comí, porque ella me guardo!. 🫶

A warm greeting dear friends! Today I couldn't go to my grandmother's to eat soup but she called me to tell me that she had saved some for me, it felt so nice that even though I didn't go she took me into account and saved some food for me as always, she prepares a divine soup and she prepares it every Sunday, it's already a custom to go to my grandmother's house to eat soup every Sunday, only today I couldn't go because I was working however I always ate, because she saved some for me! 🫶




Gracias por tu apoyo, tu comentario y tu atención!. ❤️‍🩹

Thank you for your support, your comment and your attention! ❤️‍🩹