Rarely A Dull Moment!
At the very least I can say that as the holiday is drawing to a close that the weather changed as well! It has been sunny for three days now and we've made the best use of that!
Beach vibes people! BEACH VIBES!
Yeah all we did yesterday was go to the beach! Literally! The only thing we did! Well I do have to correct myself though! All we did was go to the beach, that much is true! But once we got to the beach we decided that "The Lagoon" was the place to see!
Now I don't have a ton of photos of The Lagoon but writing this one up I think there's a few better one's that I can get! I might have to return, it really isn't that long of a walk though!
I am going to keep them for a #pinmapple post though and even though it really isn't worthy of one I am still going to paste it in there because that is like my holiday memory book and those I have got to fill up to the brim and some more!
Well that was all we did! Really all we did!
It was a lazy day! It started lazy and it ended lazy with a little bit of excitement in between!
To be honest we almost didn't do anything yesterday 😅 I was just too damn lazy and I really wanted to spend the day at home! Until The Betty urged me on, well that almost didn't help as well! I thought to myself then, well we are on the fast track to heading home and I might as well just have a calm day back at home? Why waste my time here right?
Glad I decided on that!
After the day of swimming and all that everyone got in a relaxed state and I well... well I pulled out the book and got to reading! Then this little bugger of mine decided that he wanted a little bit of attention and he came squirming in between me and my arm!
He has never done that before though and neither does he like to be cramped up! So this was in a way heart melting to experience!
I feel sad for this bugger when we have to go back home!
Dated 06/01/2024

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