Friday, 24th of November 2023 [102]
This Friday went very fast for me today, possibly cause I had a really long lay-in 😉 I started my day with a run and I must say I felt great being able to run for much longer this time before I had to stop to catch a breath!
Anyway, I’m here with my contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw … quite late I must add, but I’m hoping to post this while Friday still lasts in this neck of woods.
Speaking of the woods… this is NOT where I found those particular shrooms. I went to visit my friend up North last weekend and I spent most Saturday delivering parcels with her and before going back to her house, we stopped at her mum’s place and chilled with a cup of coffee at her garden.
That’s when she asked what was it in the lawn, those brown patches? From a distance they looked like leaves, there were so many of them!
Without much hesitation, Crystal was off her chair and on her way to check it out.
‘I think they’re mushrooms!’ She shouted back to me.
Indeed they were! Her dad removed a tree from this area of the garden a year earlier, but clearly the miceliar network was still growing strong and not of one, but 2 or 3 different types. The snowy whites were the first type, only couple of them around.
Those layers on the hat reminded me of parasol mushroom, but it was a little too small to be able to identify it for sure.
They created a nice contrast for the brown mushrooms that grew by their side. What a cute couple they were, don’t you think?
Not sure of the ID of the brown ones or any of them to be honest. They just look a bit too common to identify them.
The huge majority of them were of this type though, so I was able to capture them in many sizes and shapes. I can’t believe though that Crystal was the first to identify them as mushrooms rather than leaves 😂 Usually it’s me that sees mushrooms everywhere!
The other type was more off-white/creamy/grey colours depending on the age of them. The picture below shows a nice range of them, including one laying on its side, uncovering nice, black gills.
Younger ones were mainly off-white and looking unsuspicious.
Not a type that I would get excited about if I was walking in the forest full of many other, more fascinating specimens, but since these were in a place where I least expected them - my friend’s mum’s manicured lawn - I got a little bit excited seeing them 😉
Couple more shots for you, before I leave you to enjoy your weekend. I hope your weekend turns out uttely amazing and I’m on my way to a salsa party, just 15 mins away from our destination 😁
Until next time 💙

Camera: | iPhone11 |
Photographer: | @fantagira |