Good hunt and good dinner.

in FungiFriday7 months ago


Happy fungFriday friends. greetings.
I think this year is good for Chanterelle. we have been many times in the forest and there are many different mushrooms but mostly the edible ones we found were chanterelle.
We explore new places sometimes. this time we usually find many different species each time but this year chanterelles and hedgehogs is mostly what we have been collecting. There were some boletus edulis but the bugs got to them first, Amazing nature.
While we always find fungi to photograph we usually manage to find something to eat as well.


Checked in our app Hypholoma fasciculare do not eat it message popped up.
Took a nice Photo. Headed further.


Russula vesca is edible and one of the better-tasting ones, with a mild nutty flavor.

We crossed a farm where the wheat was ready to harvest. some were top-heavy and had fallen over giving a messy appearance.

some of the wild blueberries were bearing fruit. I picked a handful for my husband and another for me, directly in the mouth. Still not many mushrooms around.

I thought he was picking something but he was just checking his app to identify an unknown sort.

the forest looks very beautiful in late summer. soon the green will turn brown and with the autumn leaves on the ground it becomes far more difficult to spot mushrooms.


Russula emetica the sickener looks lovely in green moss. But is considered toxic as its name vomiting russula suggests if eaten it causes vomiting.

Finally, at my regular place, there waiting for me both
yellowlegs and hedgehog mushrooms together.



Some Boletus edulis were eaten by worms, even the younger ones.

Anyway, not a bad day. we picked around 600 grams, altogether chanterelle, yellowlegs, and hedgehogs. enough for dinner.


Mushrooms with beans and bulgar


600 grams of cleaned Mushrooms
1 cup home-cooked beans
1 onion
2 tomatoes
1 big potato
coriander, cumin, chili, pepper, garam masala, 1 tsp each.
whole spices 2 cloves, 1 star anis, 2 cm cinnamon, 1 cardamom, 2 bay leaves.
1 cup bulgar
oil or butter

For salad
2 carrots, 1/2 cucumber, 1 freshly picked apple, red cabbage,1/4 melon, salt and pepper.

Fried chanterelle with a spoon of butter.
Cooked for 2 minutes, then I removed it and kept it aside.


Used same skillet stir onion in oil.
Added chopped potato, tomatoes, and whole spices.
Then all spices in powder form.
I sauteed well until the potato, and tomatoes became soft.

Added cooked beans with their cooking water.
1 tbsp coriander and 1 tsp lemon juice.
Cooked for 2 minutes just to the boiling point.(beans water was cold)
Added 1 cup cooked mushrooms.
Just mixed for a minute.

Added cooked bulgar with 1/2 cup of the cooking water.

Here it\s ready.

The remaining mushrooms I cooked plain with butter and garlic.

Chopped vegetables and fruits, mixed, sprinkled pinches of salt and pepper the salad is done.

Before eating added some roasted cashews to the plate.

This post is my contribution to The #fungiFriday community By @ewkaw.
Thank you for stopping by Have a nice weekend.


Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!