Three species of very beautiful mushrooms for the ¨FungiFriday¨ contest (Es-Eng)

in FungiFriday6 months ago
Muy feliz de estar nuevamente en esta maravillosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  para darles a conocer las tres variedades de hongos que hemos hallado durante nuestra visita a la reserva natural. Este lugar nunca nos decepciona a la hora de salir a buscar hongos, se podría decir que es el santuario de los níscalos, y como tal, volvimos a dar con hermosas especies

Source: Family Álbum

Very happy to be back in this wonderful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  to introduce you to the three varieties of mushrooms that we have found during our visit to the nature reserve. This place never disappoints us when it comes to looking for mushrooms, you could say that it is the sanctuary of the chanterelles, and as such, we found beautiful species again

Con los fuertes calores que han estado haciendo en la ciudad, estas últimas semanas nos hemos estado refugiando en el predio, como saben, allí hay grandes árboles que con sus copas frondosas dan sombras refrescantes, una genial manera de huir del clima. Ha estado lloviendo muy seguido en la ciudad, por eso no me sorprende haber encontrado estos hongos que se forman en las cortezas de las ramas de los árboles. Una especie muy conocida como. ¨junghuhnia¨:  es común ver en las maderas o troncos de los árboles caídos, son esos tipos de hongos que aceleran la pudrición de la madera

Source: Family Álbum

With the strong heat that has been happening in the city, in recent weeks we have been taking refuge on the property, as you know, there are large trees that with their leafy crowns provide refreshing shadows, a Great way to escape the weather. It has been raining very often in the city, so I am not surprised to have found these fungi that form on the bark of tree branches. A species well known as. ¨junghuhnia¨:  it is common to see the wood or trunks of fallen trees, They are those types of fungi that accelerate wood rot

De las tres variedades de hongos que hemos hallado, este es el que más ha llamado mi atención, no es que los otros hongos me disgustaran, pero este es la primera vez que lo vemos en el predio, y eso lo convierte en el especial de la semana. Pertenecen al grupo de hongos llamados ¨Ganoderma¨:  parientes muy cercano los ¨Polyporales¨:  si mi identificación de su especie es la correcta, su nombre científico seria ¨Ganoderma¨lucidum¨:  un hongo precioso con una peculiar textura, forma y combinación de colores

Source: Family Álbum

Of the three varieties of mushrooms that we have found, this is the one that has caught my attention the most, not that I disliked the other mushrooms, but this is the first time we have seen it in the property, and that makes it the special of the week. They belong to the group of fungi called ¨Ganoderma¨:  very close relatives the ¨Polyporales¨:  If my identification of its species is correct, its scientific name would be ¨Ganoderma¨lucidum¨:  a beautiful mushroom with a peculiar texture, shape and combination of colors

Por la enorme cantidad de agua caída en estos días de lluvia, las hierbas del predio han reverdecidos, y ha capturado nuevamente la atención de los animales, y como saben, estos a medida que avanzan van dejando estiércoles a su paso, lo que hace que hay que tener cuidado al caminar entre la hierbas, sobre todo de no pisar a estos bellos ejemplares llamado ¨Psilocybe¨¨cubensis¨:   un tipo de hongos que precisa de la ayuda de los caballos para desarrollarse en sus estiércoles

Source: Family Álbum

Due to the enormous amount of water falling in these rainy days, the grasses on the property have become greener, and it has once again captured the attention of the animals, and as you know, as they advance, they leaving manure in its wake, which means that you have to be careful when walking among the grasses, especially not to step on these beautiful specimens called ¨Psilocybe¨¨cubensis¨:   a type of mushroom that requires the help of horses to develop in their manure

Semana como la que tuvimos en el predio, es lo que hace que ame participar de este gran ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   que lleva adelante nuestro amigo @ewkaw, disfruto mucho cuando descubro especies de hongos que antes no lo había visto personalmente en el predio, como en esta oportunidad fueron los hongos ¨Ganoderma¨lucidum¨: . Por haberlo visto por primera vez, su peculiar forma, la combinación de sus colores y textura que pudimos fotografiar con nuestra ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ es que lo hace el hongo especial de la semana

Source: Family Álbum

Week like the one we had at the property, is what makes me love participating in this great ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   carried out by our friend @ewkaw, I really enjoy when I discover species of mushrooms that I had not seen before personally on the property , as on this occasion they were the mushrooms ¨Ganoderma¨lucidum¨: . Having seen it for the first time, its peculiar shape, the combination of its colors and texture that we were able to photograph with our "nikoncoolpixb500" is what makes it the special mushroom of the week


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


Impresionantemente bonitas esas setas, me han dejado alucinando...
Siempre interesante la visita por tu blog @jlufer.
Un abrazo!
Feliz Viernes Santo!

Esta ha sido una semana genial para los hongos querida amiga @avellana dimos con variedades preciosas

Muchas gracias por esta grata visita y el apoyo que siempre me brindas

Un cariño enorme para toda la familia

Oh... Amazing brother I @jlufer for the find of these very beautiful mushrooms, they look very fresh and thrive, I really enjoyed the mushroom findings you found today.

This has been a great week for mushrooms, dear friend @furkanmamplam, we found three beautiful varieties, happy that you liked them
Thank you very much for the great support you give me
have a great day

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Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Thank you very much, dear friends, for the great support you give me every day. I take this opportunity to wish you all a splendid day.

You always find good stuff, @jlufer
Beautiful photography!!!

This week has been great for looking for mushrooms, dear friend, we found beautiful varieties
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and for appreciating the mushroom we have found
have a beautiful good friday

That's wonderful, my friend. Have a great day to you too!!

Saludos amigos, muy linda das tomas de esos hongos es un placer verte cazar estás pequeñas maravillas , que tengas un buen dia

si, querido amigo, a sido una excelente semana para buscar hongos, dimos con variedades preciosas
Muchas gracias por esta grata visita


Una fotografías hermosas, en este veo un gato descansando, me asombro mucho la forma!! Que maravilla!


tienes razon, alcanzo a ver la figura del gato descansando
Eres muy detallista para apreciar esto
Muchas gracias querida amiga @avdesing por esta agradable visita
que tengas un maravilloso dia

Me gusta mirar formas que se hacen en la naturaleza, nubes, rocas y ahora descubro que en los hongos también! Gracias @jlufer

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100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @steemflow by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

Hello dear friends, thank you very much for the great support you give me.
I wish you all a splendid afternoon

Thank you very much dear friend for appreciating and supporting my post.
I take this opportunity to wish you a great weekend.

!giphy welcome


!giphy welcome


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Thank you very much dear friend for the great support you give me every day.
I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful weekend.

Wonderful pictures as usual @jlufer have an amazing weekend 😎

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- @benthomaswwd - Moderator

This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #aliveandthriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving, plus @youarealive is following our Curation Trail.

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how are you dear friend - @benthomaswwd - good night
I wholeheartedly appreciate the great support you give me.
have a great weekend

Love the different types of Fungi you shared.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@bhattg(8/10) tipped @jlufer (x2)

Waoh, lovely species