Hard to say which of the three is my favorite (¨FungiFriday¨)

in FungiFriday10 months ago
Como están los seguidores de esta hermosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  Me hace muy feliz poder estar participando de este ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   que lleva adelante @ewkaw. Para esta semana hemos conseguido fotografiar tres hermosas especies de hongos, espero que ustedes puedan decidir cual de ellas es su favorita, dado que yo no lo he podido hacer

Source: Family Álbum

How are the followers of this beautiful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  It makes me very happy to be participating in this ¨FungiFridayContest¨ :   carried out by @ewkaw. For this week we have managed to photograph three beautiful species of mushrooms, I hope you can decide which of them is your favorite, since I have not been able to do so

No hace mucho que estoy publicando en esta comunidad, si bien hace mucho tiempo acompaño cada semana a mi abuelo a buscar hongos en la gran reserva que tenemos muy cerca de mi casa, no es lo mismo visitar el predio como una compañía a tener que buscar tus propios hongos para fotografiar. Estos hongos en realidad los encontró mi Mama Brenda, y pertenecen al género de los hongos conocido como ¨Lentinus¨:  lo que no se específicamente a que variedad pertenecen. Como ven tienen una forma muy particular y llamativa

I haven't been here long publishing in this community, although for a long time I have accompanied my grandfather every week to look for mushrooms in the large reserve that we have very close to my house, visiting the property as a company is not the same as having to look for your own mushrooms to photograph . These mushrooms were actually found by my Mom Brenda, and they belong to the genus of mushrooms known as ¨Lentinus¨:  so I don't know specifically what variety they belong to. As you can see, they have a very particular and striking shape

Source: Family Álbum

Es curioso que dos tipos de hongos diferentes estén en un mismo tronco de un árbol que ha sido podado; este hongo es conocido con el nombre de ¨Pycnoporus¨:  y es muy común que crezcan en ramas, troncos o maderas que se están descomponiendo. Su color es muy llamativo, y no creo que sea esos tipos de hongos que lleves a tu casa para que tus padres preparen una comida con ellos, si bien es un hongo que me llama mucho mi atención, no para llevar a casa y hacer un almuerzo. Puede que de los tres hongos que les enseño en esta oportunidad este sea el más llamativo, pero todos tienen algo que me gusta, y cueste decidirme por uno favorito

It is curious that two types of different mushrooms are on the same trunk of a tree that has been pruned; This fungus is known by the name ¨Pycnoporus¨:  and it is very common to grow on branches, trunks or wood that are decomposing. Its color is very striking, and I don't think it is one of those types of mushrooms that you take home for your parents to prepare a meal with, although it is a mushroom that catches my attention a lot, not to take home and make a lunch. Of the three mushrooms I'm showing you this time, this may be the most striking, but they all have something that I like, and it's hard to decide on a favorite

Source: Family Álbum

A diferencia de los hongos anteriores, estos los encontré en compañía de mis abuelos, y fue mi abuela quien los fotografió. Se trata de un hongo muy peculiar cuyo nombre es ¨Hongos¨¨psilocibios¨ :  y como ven crecen sobre ¨estiércol¨ de ¨animales¨. Estos son hongos muy peligrosos, y por nada en el mundo hay que tocarlos ya que son muy tóxicos

Unlike mushrooms previous ones, I found these in the company of my grandparents, and it was my grandmother who photographed them. It is a very peculiar mushroom whose name is ¨Hongos¨¨psilocibios¨ :  and as you see they grow on “animal” “manure”. These are very dangerous mushrooms, and there is no reason in the world to touch them since they are very toxic

Source: Family Álbum

En esta oportunidad no hallamos hongos que se puedan consumir, y mucho menos la última variedad que les enseñe, incluso con esta hay que ser muy cuidadosos, dado que tienen efectos ¨alucinógenos¨. Sabemos que hay lugares donde lo utilizan para diversas cosas, aquí nosotros no los tocamos. Esta última variedad de hongos las fotografió mi abuela con su teléfono ¨Motoe7plus¨

On this occasion we did not find mushrooms that can be consumed, much less the latest variety that I teach you, even with this one you have to be very careful, since they have "hallucinogenic" effects. We know that there are places where they use it for various things, here we don't touch them. This last variety of mushrooms was photographed by my grandmother with her phone ¨Motoe7plus¨

Source: Family Álbum


Source: Family Álbum


I like the brown one, it looks like a monkey's head :)

It's true, it is a very peculiar mushroom with a strange appearance.
Thank you very much @alexa-macro

The mushrooms that Brenda found are beautiful, what they found with her grandmother is also beautiful, only the others are rare and very striking.

Hello grandpa, yes the mushrooms that my mom found are really beautiful, but I loved visiting the price and finding the other mushrooms in the company of grandma.

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Hello ewkaw @qurator
I want to thank you all for this great support you give to my publication.

Que increíbles los hongos que encontraste! Son una maravilla tanto en forma como en color, te felicito @miprimerconcurso 😃

Hola @avdesing
Los hongos que ha fotografiado y encontrado mi Mama son precios, los que encontramos con mi abuela tambien lo son, pero los otros lo superan
Muchas gracias

Todas son hermosas bellezas de la naturaleza!! Gracias @miprimerconcurso 😃

Hello @bhattg
Thanks for the support

!giphy welcome


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Thank you very much @hivebuzz for the information and support of my post

That's great @miprimerconcurso! We're thrilled with your progress on Hive! Don't stop before achieving this new goal!

Too cute fungis you got in there @miprimerconcurso :)

Yes, they are colorful, beautiful and very rare mushrooms.
Thank you very much @bloghound

All of them are pretty, but the red brown stood out among the 3.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@bhattg(9/10) tipped @miprimerconcurso

Very beautiful mushrooms but I don't find mushrooms like that in my place