FungiFriday: Xylaria poitei (Engl / Spn)

in FungiFriday13 days ago


Happy #FungiFriday everyone! I haven't come to share the mushrooms on my plot for a while, but today I'm back, with some photos I took 6 weeks ago, when the rains were still more abundant and frequent. Already in this month of September, they have been decreasing in quantity and intensity, announcing that the dry season or summer is coming.

¡Feliz #FungiFriday para todos! Tenía rato sin venir a compartir los hongos de mi solar, pero hoy he vuelto, con unas fotos que tomé hace 6 semanas, cuando aún las lluvias eran más copiosas y frecuentes. Ya en este mes de septiembre, han ido disminuyendo en cantidad e intensidad, anunciando que ya viene la temporada seca o verano.

I took today's photos on the fallen trunk of the tamarind tree (Tamarindus indica), and according to my review on the internet, I found that they correspond to another variety of Xylaria, specifically Xylaria poitei. It should be noted that I found practically no information about this fungus, so I also do not know its common name, because where I live they simply call all mushrooms mushrooms, without differentiating them much.

Las fotos de hoy las tomé en el tronco caído del tamarindo (Tamarindus indica), y según mi revisión en internet, encontré que corresponden a otra variedad de Xylaria, específicamente Xylaria poitei. Cabe señalar que no encontré prácticamente ninguna información acerca de este hongo, por lo que desconozco también su nombre común, pues en donde vivo a todas las setas simplemente les llaman setas, sin diferenciarlas mucho.


I have previously written about this fungus, specifically in the year 2022, but at that time I mistakenly identified it as Xylosphaera hypoxylon or Xilaria de la Madera. There is actually very diffuse information on the Internet, which makes its correct identification difficult, especially when there are dozens of species of the Xylaria genus. The post I am referring to can be read here

Previamente he escrito sobre este hongo, específicamente en el año 2022, pero en aquel entonces le identifiqué erróneamente como Xylosphaera hypoxylon o Xilaria de la Madera. Realmente hay información muy difusa en Internet, lo que dificulta su correcta identificación, especialmente cuando del género de Xylaria existen decenas de especies. El post al que hago referencia lo pueden leer aquí


According to what I have been learning this year, thanks to the publications I have made in this community, I have seen that in my plot there are several species of Xylaria, apparently they are fungi that are conducive to the humidity conditions present during the winter or rain season, and the characteristics of the soil and wood remains that are in this area of my house. Below I share more recent posts, published #fungifriday where I talk about the genus Xylaria:

De acuerdo a lo que he ido aprendiendo este año, gracias a las publicaciones que he hecho en esta comunidad, he visto que en mi solar existen varias especies de Xylaria, al parecer son hongos que les son propicias las condiciones de humedad presentes en época de lluvia, y las características del suelo y restos de madera que están en esta área de mi casa. Seguidamente les comparto posts más recientes, publicados #fungifriday en donde hablo del género Xylaria:



I cannot offer more information about this species of mushrooms, only that they are white, elongated and corrugated, they can measure up to 12 cm long, they grow on decaying wood. They also give off a kind of white powder, which I assume are spores. They grow in groups of several specimens or also singly. When young they are white but then they darken, turning gray and then black.

No puedo ofrecer mayor información acerca de esta especie de hongos, sólo que son blancos, alargados y corrugados, pueden medir has 12 cm de largo, crecen en madera en descomposición. También desprenden una especie de polvillo blanco, que supongo son esporas. Crecen en grupos de varios especímenes o también en solitario. De jóvenes son blancos pero luego se van oscureciendo, para tornarse grises y luego negros.





Here I end my post today, in which I wanted to share another variety of fungi from the Xylaria genus, which is wide and varied. Greetings to all, happy #fungifriday and remember that all living beings are very important for life on our planet. Hugs!

Aquí finalizo mi post de hoy, en el cual quise compartir otra variedad de hongos del género Xylaria, el cual es amplio y variado. Saludos a todos, feliz #fungifriday y recuerden que todos los seres vivos, son importantísimos para la vida en nuestro planeta. ¡Abrazos!

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  • Los divisores son cortesía de @eve66 quien comparte bellos diseños que embellecen el maquetado de nuestras publicaciones. // The dividers used are courtesy of @eve66 who shares beautiful designs that embellish the layout of our post.

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You found some unique mushrooms...nice pictures 👍

Thanks @mysteriousroad, yes this mushrooms are unique. Greetings!

Welcome 😀
Have a good day 😊

Thanks for the support @mysteriousroad @sagarkothari88

Beautiful mushrooms 💞

Yes, they are beauty. Thanks for your visit and comment @suarlex, greetings!

Good morning dear friend @sirenahippie how are you?
Excellent find, you always surprise us with the species of mushrooms that you find on your property. I appreciate all the information you provide.
Have a great weekend

Hi @jlufer, I'm fine, thanks. Well, I am also surprised every day by the beauty of the backyard, by the little treasures it keeps for me, such as these beautiful mushrooms. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment. Greetings.

nice posts. exact identification can be tricky and may need microscopic examination. since it is so complex mycologists are always changing the names of fungi as new evidence arises. a propos that fungi used to be considered plants but no longer. as they have more similarities to animals than plants they have their own kingdom. i wonder how that fits in with the concepts of veganism and plant power.

Hello @eolianpariah2 thanksfor taking your time to visit, read my post and also comment on it.

Certainly, specialized studies are required to be certain of a genus or species. I am unaware of the subject of fungi, since where I live they are very rare, but yes, I am aware that they are a different kingdom from plants and animals, with their own characteristics and particularities.

Now, regarding the question you asked me, as you well know, I am not vegan, you could say that I am almost vegetarian, even though I am the owner of the Plant Power Vegan community, and from my personal point of view, I can say that we live in a reality, in a predatory universe, where food chains exist, and as human beings we must feed on something. I do not agree with the consumption of animals, because in addition to being sentient and conscious beings, non-human people, they are exploited in an atrocious, cruel and merciless way. But, my experience has shown me that plants also have feelings and are intelligent, and that fungi, according to what we understand, are also beings of power; So, I think that in the specific case of mushrooms, they can be consumed as long as they are grown and/or harvested in the most natural way possible, just like you and your wife @hindavi do, who collect them directly from nature, that is a blessing to be able to do it.


food for thought


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@eolianpariah2(1/5) tipped @sirenahippie

Nice discovery, thank you for sharing this unique mushroom

Hi @intoy.bugoy thanks for your kind comment. Sorry for the late.

I hope that you have a great week. Greetings!