The place looks cozy, that's worth it, but you can enjoy an ethyl-grade coffee-based drink, it's great. At home we had one like this and it was very appreciated. As for the coffee, it looks delicious and the dessert not to mention. I have visited the state of Lara and everywhere I went I was treated very well, I was delighted with the places and the people.
El lugar se ve acogedor , eso ya vale la pena, pero puedas disfrutar de una bebida con grado etílico a base de café, es genial. En casa tuvimos una así y era de lo más apreciada. En cuanto al café, se ve delicioso y el postre ni hablar. He visitado el estado Lara a todos los lugares que fui me trataron muy bien, quedé encantada con los lugares y las personas.