Recently, while conversing with a friend, she expressed to me that she did not understand people who drank coffee in such large cups, since in her house coffee was served in very small cups, and only large ones were used for chocolate and coffee with milk.

I kept silent, and laughed a little to myself, since in my house it is the opposite. The small ones are really just for decoration in the showcase and the big ones are the ones normally used for coffee as well as for chocolate, milk coffee, marroncito, guayoyo, and any other presentation that can be prepared.

In the times of my grandmothers and my mothers, these mini cups were used, and I remember that when someone came to visit the house, my aunt would serve a tray with coffee in a small jar, the sugar bowl, and the little cups with their saucers so that everyone could serve themselves as they liked. But to her taste it was limiting, because in those miniatures only two shots of coffee would fit... hahahaha. Oh no, how stressful!

My mom would sew for people from out of town, and early in the morning, before she started her day, she would prepare a huge thermos of coffee. Maybe mom also used small cups to serve coffee to the customers who came in, but she would pour her own in the lid of the thermos that was shaped like a cup. I don't even know how many times she drank one, what I do know is that in the middle of the afternoon she would send me to prepare another thermos.

I acquired my taste for big cups of coffee when I was in college and recently married. I began to collect large mugs with a variety of motifs; Christmas, my flag, cartoons, or cute messages. They were also given to me as gifts, but between the move, the kids, and the cats, much of that collection was lost.

But let's talk about where we prefer to drink coffee... mine has to be in a super mega mug that fits half a thermos, hahaha. I can't be that selfish with me. When I go to visit and someone offers me coffee in a mini cup, I keep silent, but inside I think: “My God, this is so small”.

With my visitors, at least the ones I know well, I am never selfish with coffee, I serve them a big cup of the ones I have left, with a very hot coffee that they first enjoy the aroma and then the taste. And sometimes, we finish the big cup, and we give ourselves the luxury of repeating it. That's how we coffee lovers are!

To those I don't know well, I ask them if they drink coffee, and if they say yes, come the super cup with a liter of coffee in it. How can we deny someone the pleasure of enjoying this elixir, if perhaps many of those people have not had such a tasty cup in their whole day? Coffee brings us together, strengthens friendships, and allows us to enjoy good times. I am a fan of large cups, and I decree that small cups should only serve as antique ornaments in the display cabinets of the house.
Thanks for visiting my blog, it will be until the next story to tell you over a cup of coffee. Happy day!

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The translator used is: Deepl Translator

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