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RE: The Smell of Hot Coffee Always Wins My Heart

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee7 months ago

WOW ame tus fotos parecen de revistas, y en cuanto el café su aroma es capaz de perdurar en nuestra memorias con gratos recuerdos, en lo personal a mi me recuerda mi infancia y a mi padre ya que todas las mañana preparaba café, que genial que pasaras un rato trabajando en esa linda franquicia no tengo dudas que fue un momento grato y productivo, feliz inicio de semana hermoso post saludos.

WOW love your photos look like magazines, and as for the coffee its aroma is able to linger in our memories with pleasant memories, personally to me it reminds me of my childhood and my father as every morning he prepared coffee, how great that you spent some time working in that nice franchise I have no doubt that it was a pleasant and productive time, happy start of the week beautiful post greetings.



Thank you my friend, have a great day