It is another year entirely and it will sure be a beautiful year 2025. I welcome all Hiveans to this year of fulfilment. It is no longer new to my partner that I love my coffee black and she did me the honor of purchasing a new tin of coffee for me from the mall. Having been aware that my tin of coffee is finished already. I am glad she actually got it for me, which means I do not have to drive down to the mall just to get a tin of coffee.
Clean mug is important
Before any attempt to make my coffee, the first thing that I ensure that I do is to clean up my mug. Ensuring that it is very much free from any dirt of any kind. Even if the mug seems clean I still rinse it with clean running tap water and again, with a little of hot water that has boiled at a 100 Degrees. In the course of making my coffee cleanliness comes first.
An opened Tin an opened Joy
The aroma that comes from the freshly opened tin of this coffee is such an amazing smell, even while seeing it one can predict that the taste will be amazing.
A teaspoon is enough
I do not use teaspoon in measuring my coffee but I know the estimate and it is with this estimate that I use in measuring my coffee. I intend to begin the brewing my coffee as soon as I get my coffee maker.
Coffee is ready
A boiled water of a 100 Degrees is what is needed to make my coffee and the smell from this will definitely want to make you need more. The amazing aroma from the coffee is satisfying.
I do not rush in taking my coffee.Despite being made with a boiling water,I leave it till it has a warm temperature before consuming my black coffee. I love my coffee black without any addendum of any kind.
This is my first cup of coffee for the year 2025
Thank you for reading
Happy New Year