Finished my day today with a good coffee.

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee11 months ago


Greetings dear hivers

Hello dear friends, a cordial greeting to all, wishing you all the best, I hope you are well and healthy, encouraged to be here again this community of cinnamoncupcoffee.

It happens to you that at some point you want to share with someone and it turns out that no one shows up, and then when you stay alone and do many activities you have such a good time, because that is called company with yourself.

Most of the time I am always with my loved ones, be it my sisters, my friends or my partner, having a great time and sharing anecdotes, in any place, be it a shopping mall, a coffee shop or the beach, which are the places I frequent the most in terms of my recreation.

Today was precisely a day with myself where I enjoyed a lot of my company, I went shopping in a supermarket, then to a store without waiting for anyone's opinion and did not measure the time, when I felt hungry I went to eat and ask for what I wanted, the good thing was that I was served quickly and enjoyed a Pasticho with Caesar salad, everything was delicious while in the restaurant I sat at a table where I shared with a lady who was also alone, so I immediately connected that sacred moment as lunch.

I had a coffee, and I was near the panetteria, where they offer good coffee, so I visited her and cordially greeted her pleasant staff, as I am a loyal customer of this store, which is one of my favorites, I ordered a cappuccino and bought bread.

My coffee was just right, because I have a demanding palate when consuming this drink, I enjoyed it to the maximum with myself, I really did not need anyone else, so I finished my outing today with a flourish, because coffee will always be a good option even if you are alone. Thank you for your attention!

[Spanish,Here]> Hola estimados amigos, un cordial saludos a todos, deseandoles lo mejor, espero esten bién y saludables, animada de estar aquí nuevamente esta comunidad de cinnamoncupcoffee. Les pasa que algún momento quieres compartir con alguien y resulta que nadie aparece, y luego al quedarte sola y hacer muchas actividades te la pasas tan bien, pues eso se llama compañia contigo mismo. La mayoría de las veces siempre estoy acompañada disfrutando de esas seres queridos sean con mis hermanas, mis amigas y mi pareja. pasando un gran momento y compartiendo anécdotas, en cualquier sitio, sea un centro comercial de compras, algúna cafeteria o al playa que son los lugares que mas frecuento en cuanto a mi recreación. Hoy precisamente fue un día conmigo misma donde disfruté mucho de mi compañia, realicé compras en un supermercado, luego a una tienda sin esperar la opinión de nadie y tampoco medí el tiempo, al momento de sentir hambre fui a comer y pedir lo que se me antojo, lo bueno fue que me atendieron rápido y disfruté de un Pasticho con ensalada cesar, todo estaba delicioso estando en el restaurant me senté en una mesa donde compartí con una señora que igualmente estaba sola, así que conecté enseguida ese momento sagrado como es el almuerzo. Me provoco un café, y estaba cerca de la panetteria, donde ofrecen buen café, así que la visité y salude cordialmente a su grato personal, pues soy cliente fiel de este comercio, la cual es uno de mis favoritoS, ordené un cappucino y compré pan, mi café estaba al punto, pues soy de paladar exigente al consumir esta bebida, lo disfruté al máximo conmigo misma, en verdad no necesite de nadie más, así culminé con broche de oro mi salida de hoy, pues el café siempre será una buena opción asi estes sola. ¡Gracias por su atención !


El texto es original de: @wendyth16 Todos los Derechos Reservados / © Wendy Hurtado Fotografías tomadas desde mi celular Xiaomi Note 12.

The text is original from: @wendyth16
All Rights Reserved / © Wendy Hurtado
Pictures taken from my Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 phone.


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Un buen café ☕ siempre es un buen café; acompañada o sola hay que disfrutarlo al máximo. Saludos 🌺🌹💐🌺🌹

Yes it is, My friend

It is always good to enjoy quality time alone, and ending the day with a delicious coffee is wonderful my friend, greetings.

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

Thanks for your suppot

Going at your own pace and enjoying a day out alone is underrated in my opinion. I have the most fun shopping and attending to my errands when I can soak up all the little things I enjoy too- especially a good coffee! :) Thanks for sharing ☕️

From time to time, we find ourselves taking time for ourselves, so it's great to enjoy a day with yourself, I personally enjoy my time alone, there, I take the opportunity to plan, Getting on track with my projects, or simply evaluating myself, is a way to know if everything is going well and in the direction you expect.

Those coffees in the panatteria are exquisite, very cozy indeed to spend some time alone there.

La compañía del amor propio y un buen café no tiene precio 😍😍😍

Definitivamente se disfruta cada sorbo 🙌🙌🙌

Gracias por compartir esa experiencia con tu cafelover🥰🥰🥰

The company of self-love and a good coffee is priceless 😍😍😍

Every sip is definitely enjoyed 🙌🙌🙌

Thank you for sharing that experience with your cafelover

If the place is very nice and has that friendly atmosphere, it doesn't matter if you are alone or with someone, we will always feel good and happy. So coffee is never missing at those times.☕

Thanks for sharing your coffee experience.

Good weekend.