I wanted today to be a sublimely beautiful Sunday. Now I know from experience that there are certain things you can do to help push things towards becoming a sublimely beautiful Sunday. One of those things that one should always do to ensure that the day is going to be both beautiful and sublime is to start it off right: with some proper coffee made with heavy whipping cream. Yeah buddy that's the way to do it!
Yes indeed that is the miserable white stuff on the ground. Yes you can see the snow is in the shadows where the sun cannot hit it. That is the remainder of the Storm of the Century. As you can see we got hammered with at least a solid inch of snow. Of course that shut down life as we know it for nearly two days.
At least I'm proud to see some of our normal weather returning, namely the cloudless skies and warmer temps. We will be starting off Monday with temps near 50F rising to 68F by the weekend; so as I like to say, not too shabby.
The Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday tags are some of my faves! I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats and supporting the accounts. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!
One way I have found to brighten even the darkest, coldest days is to have some lovely food. What we need is some so-called comfort food, as it were. And what speaks comfort food more than a homemade delicious Philly cheese steak sandwich?!?
Let's start by chopping up a half an onion and a full green pepper. If you like onions, a full onion would be a good way to go. Sadly I'm getting to the age where I need to take a little easy on a bunch of onions, so I will settle with a half.
Now I chopped up and used the entire container of fresh mushrooms mainly because I love mushrooms and they do tend to cook down quite a bit.
Of course sauté them up together over a medium high heat.
To make it easy on myself I bought some shaved beef steak meat.
I wasn't sure how it would cook down, so I decided to use the entire package yet I was surprised it did not cook down as much as I was afraid it would.
I would think it to be impossible to get beef shaved so paper thin by doing it at home. If it were possible I know it would be a whole lot of work. You need to pay close attention when browning the meat because it is so paper thin that it cooks in almost no time.
These Kroger sub buns were just perfectly dense and moist.
I decided to get the griddle out so I was able to brown a couple of the buns all at the same time while the beef was browning in the skillet.
Make sure you have some type of cheese on hand. I happen to be a mozzarella cheese fanatic so that's what I of course decided to use.
Well I missed the money shot on yesterday's finished meal, but there was no way I was going to make that rookie mistake again today!
Ben's lemon tree has a bloom on it. I guess it don't know it's damn cold outside LOL.
Have a good week!
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