Is it an azalea or a rhododendron? I have no earthly idea, however I am coveting this white plant of my neighbor's.
Welcome To My Sublimely Beautiful Sunday!
Have you ever had something new that you wanted to try and as the opportunity became nearer, you could almost taste the desire? Well that was my situation when I bought a new brand of rice to try making sushi with.
No, I do not claim to be a sushi master, nor even a sushi chef. However I have made a roll or three in my time. So when I spied a bag of rice at Kroger, I decided I wanted to see what it was like because I was tired of always having to order rice from Amazon.
I put the rice on to boil and started to get the ingredients needed to make the rolls. I first cut into my avocado only to find it had went bad on the inside. Right away I could see this is not starting off on a good foot as one of my three main ingredients was now out of the picture. Next I looked for my English cucumber that I saw in the refrigerator in the past day or so only to find out it was missing in action.
Yikes! Now two of my three usual ingredients are unavailable. I guess that means it's time to get creative in the kitchen LOL.
I guess the story of my life is always having to make do. I had some snow peas that I cut the ends off and blanched. I really like snow peas so I figured that could take the place of the cucumber.
I finely diced some onions and added a bit of Duke's Mayonnaise to some tuna fish.
Thankfully I had plenty of cream cheese.
The new rice that I used was excellent. Generally sushi rice is very short, whereas this new rice is medium length. Regardless, it was perfectly sticky and clung to the Nori nicely.
Then I added just a bit of tuna fish.
I prefer using half a sheet of nori and making smaller bite size rolls. Perhaps it looks a little funny with the longer grain rice, but the roll held together really well.
As so often happens in my life, I find that I have to do the best I can with what I have. The roll actually tasted great! I was more than pleasantly surprised.
It turns out that in spite of not having what I felt I really needed, I was able to adapt and make the best out of the situation. I always believe that any sushi is good sushi, and this was no exception. So in the end the day was not ruined, and turned out to be a sublimely beautiful Sunday.