This is the season of Ramadan fasting. The Len fasting period just ended. Most of our boys and girls are tired of going hungry all day. The period for these exercises is usually about 30/40 days. So, the natural strength to do much active work is usually reduced.
The reduction in strength of our labour force usually poses a negative effect on the economy. At such times those rendering menial laborers are usually scarce. Production rate of our youths usually reduces. Our streets are virtually empty. Even in the market, most of the Mark women stay home on the claims of being tired and weak from fasting.
These activities usually take effect yearly during the Easter season. There are religious activities. Countries like Nigeria which are religiously inclined are key players in the activities. Our religions take a toll on our society life due to the fact that public servants stand on the excuse of being involved in these activities to excuse themselves from work. The matter sometimes gets worse because the government key officials actually use the mentality of religious bias to rule.
I'm not in any way playing on our religious activities. But I only wish we follow God with wisdom not with religious sentiments. I am a Christian myself and I believe in every doctrine governing the christian faith. As we are fasting, remember you have your civic responsibilities and family responsibilities to fulfill. Don't lay down lazy in the name of religious practices.