How can we stay without our phones for some hours?

in Hive Learners10 months ago

Phone has become a part of our lives that it seems very impossible to do with out. These days when you see people walking on the street, they are either talking to someone over the phone, or listening to music or even playing games. When the phone was not there we were okay, but what of now that we already have the phone and know it use. It makes it difficult for people to stay one good minutes without touching or using their phone.


Having said that it will lead us to the topic for the day. Can we take away phone when we are having a good family reunion? Hahahaha 🤣. No, no, no is my answer. In fact what are we even talking about? We practically do everything with our phone. When we come for such family reunion, some are using their phone to record something, some will be using their phones to take good pictures for memory sake. And if someone like me is there I will do a little voice of what we are doing and probably take good pictures for my #throwbackthursday community.

Most people do stuffs online alot these days. We make most of our businesses online and so when one sees opportunity like that he can't just allow it pass by without using his or her phone to take pictures and make little video to keep for tomorrow. Another thing is that someone might expecting a call, a text message or even money from someone for something very important. That is the reason why we need our phones with us anytime, anywhere.

My second phone who happens to be a hiver needed to change his phone because the phone was very bad and it has been given him lots of problem lately when he tries using the phone to make a post. For two weeks now he has not been happy because of his phone. He just needed money to add to what he have saved from hiving to get a new phone, but there was no money anywhere to get him. I noticed that he became restless. So I discussed with his father to get money for him from someone so that he can pay back later when he have raised the money. When the phone was finally bought yesterday, he became happy again. He wanted to make post some days ago and he had to use someone's phone to do that which affected him and he was wishing that he could get his own phone so that he will not disturb others. This is a clear example of how we have been too attached to our phones that we don't want one hour to pass without touching our phones.

I don't want to implement such law into my family because almost every one in my family makes money with their phones so when you ask them to stay away from their phones for such time it might affect them negatively.

So, in summary this is the era of phone, people should be allowed to use their phone when they want. Thanks for hopping in and your comment will be appropriated.


I think family bonding doesn’t take the whole day, so asking people to stay off their phone during that short period won’t do any harm. People stay away from their phones during church hours.

One of the most important things nowadays is to refrain from using mobiles when we are at family time. We are forgetting one important thing. However, it is very important to refrain from using our own smartphones or mobile phones when we are at family time

Oh, staying off their phones for few hours won't cause damage to their businesses , from my point of view though.

Exactly these days many people are having blogging and online businesses. Well, I am also into this but I use Snapchat mostly and that consume my time..I don't know but I am kinda addicted to Snapchat and that consume my family time

We just need to balance things so that it won't affect both sides