Hmm... Don't Touch My Food!!

in Hive Learners7 months ago

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Dieting or exercise… I’ve got to say, that neither of these is easy because it requires a lot of effort on the part of whoever wants to get the results. They both have their pros and cons, from dieting to exercise and then it might even get to a point where you have to be active in both, especially when you have a particular vision in mind for your body. That’s just how it is.

As I said, it’s not easy. Putting yourself on a strict diet takes a lot and requires intense discipline, the same with regular exercises. These are things that are important for our health and well-being but many of us find them hard to do. We would rather do the easy stuff; consume sugar and go without exercise. Simply because this is way easier.


I used to be on this table. There was a time when I didn’t really care what I ate. I’m one of those people that I don’t react to most things. I can eat basically anything and I’ll be good, unlike those who nitpick their food, either for health reasons or for other personal ones. Anyway, this made me a bit lazy, because I could easily eat whatever I wanted. I consumed a lot of sugar in all forms, I ate lots of carbohydrates and little proteins.

And then, I wasn’t doing exercises. As in, the closest I came to doing exercise was walking around in my school from class to class under the hot sun. After that, nothing more because I used to bike to and from school. Yeah, that was just how bad it was.


Thankfully though, I didn’t have a major epiphany moment where something happened and I figured out what a grave mistake I was making. I just figured out what a grave mistake I was making on my own. Hehe… I realized that none of what I was doing was helping me, and seeing as I was a remote worker, sitting at my desk all day and punching away at my keyboard, it was only a matter of time before I became a couch potato.

Since then, I’ve been taking proactive steps to get better. Both in body and mind. I try to exercise as often as possible these days. Although I do something simple, basic workout that can be done in my bedroom. I don’t go to the gym, I don’t lift weights. I don’t even go out to jog, although this is chiefly because I don’t have the time. Once I’m done with school, I’ll be able to spare at least an hour or two a few times a week to jog. It would be awesome.


And as for my feeding, I don’t know what to say. I’ve only cut down on sugary stuff, but that’s about it. With this current economic situation, I don’t get to be picky. I buy what I can afford before the affordable becomes unaffordable. And then, I’m not that adventurous when it comes to cooking, I don’t really know how to make all those dieted foods in a way that I would enjoy it. I’ll most likely cook rubbish.

On their own, both are good because they go a long way in helping you take care of yourself. However, it also turns out that both are better together. It’s not like you’ll be exercising and then eating food that will return fat to the places you’re struggling to get rid of it from. So, exercise is best when it’s followed up with good dieting. However, we must be careful not to overdo it. We must know when to cut back when to relax, and we must also learn how to be comfortable in our bodies. Because if not, no matter how much we work out, no matter how much we cut back on our food, it will never be enough.

Let’s just be guided, biko.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the first topic of this week which is Dieting Or Exercises. Feel free to try it out.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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Thank you for this.

Thank you for this.

Dieting and exercising actually requires discipline because it's not easy switching from a comfortable routine to something else. As a remote worker, I think it is really good to because you don't spend much time doing physical activity but school stress is actually enough exercise for now.

Omo... school stress is just on another level. I still need to buckle up though, because I've been relaxed for just too long.

This thing is not really easy if we must be sincere but it's doable. I have seen people consuming whatever they crave including junks consistently and later start working out..that's a bad combo
Indeed exercise is best when it’s followed up with good dieting

Yeah... and requires serious discipline. If not you'll simply be punishing yourself in vain.

Both exercise and diet requires discipline. It was hard to go to diet specially in front of a tasty food and one would just don't want to exercise since it was very tiring. But if one can stick on doing one thing, one can also stick on doing the other.

Yeah. Start at one point and choose to stick with it, that's the best advice.

Food is very important, I'm a foodie, so I don't think I can be able to stay on a diet "I can try" but then it's something I can't guarantee 100%. For the second one 😁😁 I haven't tried it before and I don't think I'm gonna try it, well, who knows maybe shortly.

Hehe... never say never. There's no pressure though, when you're ready, you won't need any motivation.😅

Both requires consistency and crazy determinations. I can remember all the times I started working out on my own, longest duration was 2 months; just push up, sit up and squats.

I can't be on a diet, I too like food

Hehe... even something as basic as that requires discipline to keep up. Omo... it's not easy oo.

It seems your previous self and my previous self both have something in common. Well in my case, I intentionally started consuming a lot of sugary meal and all with the aim of getting fat but still yet nothing happened. Eventually I just gave up and maintain my routine of exercise.

I still consider exercise to be a lot economical compared to dieting. There are some low sugar no cholesterol kind of food that cost way higher than regular meals and based on situation of the country right now, I would say only a wealthy and disciplined person can maintain a strict diet without relapsing.

As in ehn... I've heard about how expensive dieting can be. To be fit is not easy ooo. It will tell on your cravings, your wallet, and even your body. Haba!

I think maintaining a diet of food is easy for me. I just need to focus on not consuming too much calorie food and if someday it crosses the limit then it's not s big deal because going for extra work can solve the problem. it's the only thing I do and it's effective for me.

That's nice, you already have it on locked. Just make sure you keep it that way.