Hi #Hivelearners community.
We all know that eating bread is very important for living, so now it depends on all of us whether we eat a healthy food or we go outside. We don't know how this food is made and what kind of material is used in it, so I try to make most of the things at home or at home. Eat things made from this gives us many benefits, our health is also good and we know special things because all these materials are prepared in front of our eyes.
Yes, but the effort now is to eat mostly home-cooked food. Today, this is the problem with us people, we go to other places to try good tests and go inside hotels, there we get a good external test, but all these things are not good at all for our health. Because by the time we come to know about things from social media that such wrong and substandard material is being used in that place, by the time we have eaten that food and then there is a lot of trouble, a lot.
It is sad that we wish we had not eaten it and our health would not have deteriorated so much, so it is better to buy all the things inside the house so that everything that is available should be made inside the house. Everything can and should be bought with quality so that doctors can't say about our health in the future that the health has deteriorated due to eating more outside food.


I myself have seen a couple of places here in my city that have been identified as using the wrong stuff and then later admitting that we were using the wrong and cheap stuff so that we could get more. If you can get profit and get rich soon, the way the time is going today, every person is in the cycle of getting rich quickly, he doesn't care about the health of other people, he just wants that.
They want to earn quick money and live a rich life and that is exactly why we see that people who eat a lot of fast food have poor health and they also get fat quickly. Getting fat is easy but Losing weight is not easy at all, it takes a lot of time, you have to do a lot of exercise, then when a person becomes fat, they start losing weight.
Here, like the hotels in our city, at night, during the day, in the morning, those who stay there are local hotels, and people who stay here like to go there a lot. Because their price is low and a person eats his food for 200 rupees, but the damage that happens after that is known later. had also ordered parathas. After eating, one of our friend's condition became very bad at night. Then we took him to the hospital.


He told us all the same things. When we get this kind of condition, then our effort is that if we go out to eat, we should eat good quality food so that it does not affect our health, because if we want to live a good life, good health is very important. More importantly, otherwise we will never be able to live a happy and prosperous life.
It's just like when we go into a hospital and see people's problems and it's just a fact that if we ever go sick, things are very different when a person is suffering himself. Then there is too much trouble, so it is better that we take care of all such things to live a good life, exercise, eat good food and not eat so much fast food, it will damage our stomach system a lot.
And then at night we don't sleep and have to go to the doctor as a compulsion. Nowadays, we all have very useful things. On YouTube, we can watch videos and cook delicious meals at home. If you see it, we can make pizza, Chinese food, Italian food, all kinds of food at home,


So it is better that now we all have to cook and eat all these things at home because there has been so much inflation outside today that if we make something at home for five dollars, then we have to pay 25 dollars for it. Go ahead and cook what you love. Most of us friends tend to barbeque, season it for a day, and then cook delicious things over the coals.
Yes, we know that the quality of chicken is also good And the spices that we have used in making it are also of good quality because we buy them from the market ourselves, so if we eat such things, our health will also be good and we will also have a lot of peace, so I will try to go out for a walk, but not to eat outside, if we are going to a park, make food from home.


Go for it and in the same way I will advise my friends to start doing the same now, there are going to be many benefits because of good health and less money spent. When we go to the doctor when our health is bad, the first question he asks is that are you used to eating outside or do you eat at home,
Then we cannot even lie to the doctor because it is said that the doctor and we should never hide anything from the lawyer, because if we hide things from them, we may suffer financial loss if we hide from the lawyer, and if we hide from the doctor, our health may be damaged, so we have to tell the truth.


Because we eat outside every day, that's why our health got worse and the people of our country don't do exercise here, like eating food and going to sleep immediately, then because of that, the health got worse.


Who is djbravo?
Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

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