I welcome you all to another edition of creative Sunday, I wish is all a happy new month and a prosperous week. Today is another day to show our creativity either by cooking, drawing, singing and so on.
Today I will be showing us how I make this beautiful looking beans cake, beans cake is not a regular food that I use to make at home unless we are all craving for it, so my family decided to stress me today and here I am with it.
Ingredients used
One seasoning cube
Vegetable oil
This meal doesn't involve too much of ingredients, it is a good to enjoy during the weekend and not the week day.
I bring out the beans and measure the amount I will be using for the beans cake, there is no need to pick the beans since we are going to peel the back and remove the shaft, I soaked the beans with water for some minutes so that the back will be easy for me to remove, this process is necessary because it is stress free.
After peeling the back, I already did the video of the way I peel brace when I posted bean pudding so I didn't add the process in this video again, I rinsed it thoroughly and pick the under to avoid those tinny stones, after peeling and washing the bean thoroughly then soak it in a clean water for about two to three minutes and get other things done.
I cleaned my blender and blend after three minutes of soaking the beans, the smoothness depends on preference, I didn't allow mine to be too smooth, so I poured it from the blender and pour in another big bowl for mixing, this process is just some seconds it is not like the way we mix bean pudding at all, I added one cube of seasoning then added salt and mix.
The next process is frying, I rinsed my frying pan and pre-heat for some seconds, I added my Vegetable oil and allow it to heat up for a minute then I decided to be putting my bean puree bit by bit for it to fry, after putting it then I used my fork to turn it to the other side so that it can fry and as well cook, I repeat this procedure for all till I am done frying everything, my family enjoy this and some people paired it with custard, while some paired it with Quaker oat. I am glad they enjoy it and to share with everyone here too.
Thank you all this is my creative Sunday for today, enjoy your day.
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