One of the basic necessities of life is food (meal) with others been clothes and shelter (house). As jokingly said: "The way to mouth, is the way to life", therefore, feeding is something crucial which cannot be left to chance. By experience, i have found out that to be well fed has a huge impact on how such a person turns to in life in terms of efficiency/productivity as not feeding well can lead to sicknesses and feeding not intentionally done too is dangerous.
Over the years and based on my experience in the health field aswell as general life experience, good nutrition i.e. balanced diet is important. I was raised in a family setting where cooking is done by everyone both male and female, even as the last born, i wasn't exempted. In addition, cooking is a skill which can be learnt and improved on with gender notwithstanding. Cooking has been part of me all these while and to me it's not burdensome with very few countable times of eating out.
I do cook for myself and by so doing, i maximized the resources available, planned a balanced nutrition, rarely come down with food-borne diseases and gets better with it over time which helped me even as a family man. During busy schedules or moments, i still cook though might be a not-to- demanding food in regards to cooking time or receipe preparation. To maintain a balance, i do fast food rarely for snacks or foods i may not be prepared as per that moment but not on a regular basis.
I believe it just a matter of personal understanding, interest and believe. Based on my understanding (both formal and informal), i prefer personal home-made meals as you can vouch for the quality of the ingredients used, the metjod of preparation if well done and the satisfaction that comes with it. Also, based on understanding, it develops a good planning and management skill in me which fast foods eat out can't afford me to.
In addition, based on interest, i developed interest in cooking which i never regretted till today and i kept getting better in it. Some lacks interest or are are not raised that way which makes them to ought gor fast-foods whether affordable or not. Based on believe, i believe that personal home-made meals is still the best and it saves time, energy and cost than fast-food. Fast-food can be an addition but not to be relied on for regular meal. In situations where cooking cannot be done at all or fast-food is the best option, why not, but not on a regular basis.
In all, life is all about choices and the choices and decisions made all have impart on how we/things turns out. I personally believe that personal cooking through home-made meals helps one alot to eat as desired, it enhances creativity, it breeds skill acquisition in planning & management and most importantly, it enhances good nutrition and quality of life as it saves from impending disease from meals from unknown sources. This is my personal view, thank you for reading as comments, contributions and suggestions are welcomed. Happy mid-week.
This is my entry to @Hivelearners weekly featured contents, week 114 Edition 02 on "Cooking or Fast Food"
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