Happy Sunday hivers!!!!
It's been a while since I posted and shared some creative ideas in this community and now glad that I have something to share with you here as my entry for this #creative-sunday.
My son is studying in a public daycare center in which the government give them free foods for their feeding.
Everyday they have a different menu for their feeding.
We feel blessed that we are one of the beneficiary for this government project.
As a mom ,I feel happy for my son since his classes will start at 8 in the morning but he will go to school without having a breakfast coz he don't want to eat his breakfast as early as 8 in the morning.
Because of this government program ,my son can have his breakfast at Scholl during their recess time at 9 in the morning.
It also helps him to eat more as he likes to eat food with his classmates.
Last Friday ,we,the parents have prepared the squash and mung bean or monggo patty for their feeding.
-mung bean
-cooking oil
How to prepare a squash with mung bean patty?
Boiled and cooked first the squash and mung bean then smash it after it boiled.
Much better to add some spice's like garlic and onion but for this recipe we did,we did'nt add any spices ,just only a little bit of salt to taste.
After smashing it ,mix the two smash vegetable and add the flour and egg.
We only used to estimated the flour for our mixtures.
When everything is ready ,heat the pan and add a cooking oil
Just fry a small amount and be sure that the flour will be cook.
When it turned brown ,flipp the other side then repeat the procedure on frying it .
Since the kids loves to eat something fry with sauce ,we bought a ketchup for them.
The kids are excited to eat the food ,after they finish doing their activity ,we serve the food for them.
This is my son ,eating the food and I see that he loves it hihi.
As we all know that Filipino loves rice for every meal ,we bring rice for our kids.
When the kids can't able to finish their food ,we the parents will eat their left over so that no food will be wasted .
And that's it for today's recipe ,can't wait to share some other recipe that we will preparing for the next week.
Thank you for you time and have a great ,blessed Sunday everyone!!!