Humans were created differently from the beginning of time. We all have our likes and dislikes and that’s what makes us all unique in our own way. I’m yet to meet someone who likes everything and doesn’t have any dislike even though I’m sure it’s going to take me a billion years of evolution to meet that person.
Personally, there are so many things that dislike in my life. It can be the most basic of things but I would still find a problem with it. But then, there’s always one thing that tops the list for me and that is lying.
Sometimes someone would lie to you in the face thinking you don’t know they’re lying. It gets me wondering why an adult would lie at their age. If you speak the truth, no one is going to beat you. After all, as an adult you don’t owe anyone an explanation and so, it’s best you either speak the truth or keep mute. I don’t want to mention names, but the other gender has taken lying as a full time job. May God save us all.😂
Moving on, the next on my list is those who chew loudly. Last week, I sad in a tricycle and the driver managed to make me alight before my destination with his village life. How can a man be chewing gum so loudly like those people who stand on the street at night. Ha! I was so pissed it felt like someone was taking out my heart with their bare hands. You can imagine how that feels. At this point, we have to open up a school to teach people to chew like sane humans because until when will these groups of people stop tormenting us.
Lastly, I think this issues isn’t addressed very much but I hate physical touch with all my soul. I don’t mean the normal physical touch. I mean the kind when someone you don’t even know starts talking to you and all of a sudden starts to touch you or even hit you. Like bro, can’t you keep your hands to yourself? When you start avoiding these kinds of people, they would start to say you’re being too knowing not knowing that they are the cause of your hostility towards them. I’m not one to touch people anyhow and so I expect to at least get the same treatment in return. Can we all just learn to keep our hands to ourselves?
There a long list of things I dislike but I believe these three would top the list for now. As humans, we should all make it a point to be careful of our actions so as to not make others feel uncomfortable in our presence.
all images belong to me.