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RE: Home-cooked meals Vs fast food

in Hive Learners10 months ago

As far as consuming fast food wouldn't be a regular practice, then it's not bad.

I agree with you. There are days one would feel so overwhelmed and stressed and the only option would be to go for fast food, else one might go hungry. So, it is not bad but once it becomes a daily routine, then, that's wrong and not advisable because of financial risk.


Team 2 representative 🤣
Human bot, hahaha 😂..I see you everywhere, but chill, the crown 👑 belongs to team 1, hahaha 😂

Oh dear, homemade food is the goal but not when we feel so stressed out and overwhelmed, in this case, we can relive ourselves of stress and buy something outside till we can cook
Good morning princess ♥️🧡🥰

Human bot, hahaha 😂..I see you everywhere, but chill, the crown 👑 belongs to team 1, hahaha 😂

😆😆😆😆 just ignore and avoid me oo