Only boss baby's can sue their parents

in Hive Learners3 months ago

lt is not right. This just make me remember this popular movie, where a baby was make the head of others baby's.

Something to note ls that, lf they give the children's right to sue their parents, just understand that, the court room will be filled always with children's case, children's cases will be on trend on the internet, and also, they will be need to give the children's a boss baby as well, just as we see in that movie that will look after their own case, because we should be better assure that, this type of cases will be too much.

Just imagine how many times that nephew, or niece, or last born like to complaints, the deal is, they always believe that, at anytime you do to them something, and they don't like it, you have offended them, therefore, all those little misunderstanding, will be taken as a serious case.

And I am sure that it will have gotten to a stage where the children's case don't even allow their parent to go to their offices and work anymore, because in a week, they must surely have a case to settle with their parents.

And we all know how some children's are stubborn, that means, at some point, they might purposely brought up the stubborn attitudes, so that at any time their parents beat them a little, they will jot it down and know that they have a case to settle in the court.

l can't stop to think that their parents will be working for them, because on no account will a parent not pay a fine each month to the children's court, which will later be given to their child.

About paying of that fine, it will be so unfortunate lf more than one child sue their parents in a month and they need to pay a fine to each of them.

l think it will warrant a need to establish a baby police force because the case of parents and childrens will be too much and might need another body to handle it, while the police look at other things that aimed at national growth, because instead make that of the children's bring national growth, it will in turn make our children to grow not in love and affection of his/her family.

But something i rightly understand about children is that, they are the most forgiveable people in the world, "do a thing to a child and the next few minutes, he had totally forgotten about it" l am not saying here we should purposely make our children to feel bad, l am just making a fact of how children's forgive easily in some few minutes.

l would not have like it, lf l had that kind of childhood, and i do not see it as a great thing for any child to have.

Speaking about making the world a wonderful place, a good example is what they children's do, that's by letting go of the things that hurt them and pushing on with a grateful heart.

lmage source


Even though we have child abuse, children just need to behave well so as not to get their parents angry. Meanwhile, sueing your parents is not the best. children forgive easily, just as you had rightly said.

l agree with you @abigail04. Thank you for the awesome comment, have a great day ahead.