The blame goes to the teacher, parents and others

in Hive Learners4 months ago

The teacher is to be blame lf a student performed poorly in his/her class, but not when the students ls of age to know those things, and at that point, I will say that, lt ls the student who can't pick up.

On this discussion l will be using myself as an example. when I was ln secondary school, they were lots of subjects l hardly flow with very well, maybe lt was caused by the teacher not adopting a good teaching technique.

But getting to the higher education, i find out that l needed to sit up and do well on all my courses, because no one was going to graduate you lf you do not clear all your courses.

Therefore, checking on those courses, l found out that some were related to the subjects l took for granted ln my secondary education, since lt was not mandatory to clear all the subjects.

Out of seven subjects offered, once you are able to clear up to six and mathematics and English are included, that means you have made a good result.

l said that as times goes on, the teacher is not to be blame ln the sense that, once we know the important of something we would not wait for someone to tell us many times before we act on lt.

The question is, how important is that subject to us, ls that subject related to the course we want to study?

Well, ln this scenario, I think people still got it wrong because many at times, they end up doing a different course entirely and not what they expected to offer ln the university, so since they neglects to take some subjects seriously, just because lt was not relating to what they want to offer

lt end up giving them a hard time in higher school, that is, lf they changed the course they had ln mind and as well lf course that is related to that subject they refuse to give important to are brought forward as a GST courses.

Speaking more on whose fault ls lt ln a child academic failure, l think parents as well have a hand, lf not making a home class for that child, children loves it when they attend classes at home, especially when their friends are there.

The deal is, the afternoon class will elevates their thinking to always act fast on things, although, they are some children who are fast learners.

But arranging classes in afternoon time for that child will serves as a challenge and that will boast that child to cut off some difficulties ln his/her learning.

The last thing I will reference to will be on the kind of exercises/games we allowed our child to get involved with.

How about scrabble games, where they form words or numbers, you see this kind of games are going to helped them in spellings and also ln calculations.

The teacher has a big role to play, parents, and also the child, has a role in elevating his/her academic performance.

lmage source


Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

Thank you so much for the awesome comment, l am grateful ❤️

There is no one excluded in this blaming game - the teacher, parents and the child are to be blamed especially when the child has come of age and knowing right from wrong. But I would say the work is more on parents than for teachers because a child spend more time at home than in the school.

Yes, perfectly said, the home of every child has a lot of duty to do for them. Thank you so much for your authentic comment, greetings