unforgettable celebration of BTC at 100k

in Hive Learners2 months ago (edited)

There are so many unforgettable things that has taken place this year, but the one that have been on my mind from the moment it took place is that of the Bitcoin.

The deal is, this year has really been a big one for Bitcoin, because when the price finally landed at $100k, there was a lot of celebration which i believed, i will not forget about it, no matter if we will have a bigger value than that of $100k in the future.

The deal is, it was very massive at the celebration, up to the point that, lt got people around me who do not do things with crypto's hearing about it, and I am sure that, the move of BTC was able to clear some doubts in the minds of those people who still have little knowledge about cryptos, and let them to understand what they will benefit when they personally adopt cryptos in their life's.

Nevertheless, l do not know if the celebration was what people already planned to have when will BTC comes to that rate, because it was in almost all social media platform that i see the talk's of the price of $100k value of BTC trending.

The deal is, l am sure that BTC will get to an even bigger amount than lt's right now, starting from Hive, the news were all over here, and lt was on hive that i saw the post first.

on my own, I smile so much because I realized that the people who bought BTC as at early of this year has really make a ton of profits from their investment, and nothing make a person so much happier when he/she knows, they did not make mistake for going lnto that thing they do.

Later in that day, when l got to Twitter, l saw a lot of degen trader's talking about it, and the best part of it was that, some people who predicted that BTC will go to that certain period in their trade, really make a good amount of money.

So, thinking more about it, l will always remember this year as the year where many crypto traders make gain in the market and also a year where great happiness was felt, as people had the opportunity to grow their portfolio bigger than what was their initial value.

Did l have Bitcoin when the price was $100k. Speaking of, if l have BTC when the price was at that amount, l did not, but the deal is, i believed on what will be the advantages when BTC has a big value, so l also was excited about it as well.

what i do not know will be the level of excitement that people will exhibit when BTC get to 200k or more, and I can rightly said that, with the level of excitement that was felt that day, I do not think it will ever be the same with that of the $100k.

lmage source

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