Everyone has to give his life to issues. Only then we can eradicate the issues which are highly entrenched in the roots of society. Giving life doesn't really mean that we have to give up our life but it means that we should spend our life in the way that will help the humanity.
Every side, i see misery and this misery is because of hunger of justice, irregularities, lack of education. I think the most crucial aspect of life is giving justice to everyone. Justice of education, justice of right, justice for crimes and justice for everything. It also covers justice for environment. If this need will be fulfilled then society will be a utopian and dreamy society where everything is complete and perfect. No cry and no pain.
In real, life is so painful. It's painful for poors, it's painful for downtroddens and it's painful for every other person who can not afford to live.
It's not just story of today but everyday, i see a woman who is sitting with gloomy eyes which are yet hopeful. Many times, i question that from where they get hope? Many times, i pray that whenever i will become that much rich then i will listen to everyone( Allah help me). But, i know when a person becomes rich then everything around him looks perfect because he is seeing the world from his rich lens. For him, life exist only in that frame in which he is seeing.
There are heap of issues in which nations are entangled. This time, the severe issue is indeed climate change. This year, climate change and global warming is getting worse which is affecting their jobs and also their lifestyle.
Poverty is increasing. Poverty is vicious circle in the society in which people are being pushed because of rich centric policies of the nations. All the policies are to benefit the rich but these polices are blow on the Poors. They are subordinate and subaltern. They are clutched by the rich.
My Country's situation is not different from other countries. Pakistan is ranked 102 out of 125 Countries on Global Hunger Index. The problem is affordability and accessibility of food. Food is everywhere but the problem is inflation. In recent times, inflation is increased by thirty eight percent due to IMF demands. Inflation is making the life of the poor miserable. In all thís situation, we cannot forget the heavy floods which wrapped almost the whole country and affected the infrastructure along with lives of millions of people.
Moreover,Covid period also contributed a lot to the problems and poverty of nations. It puts a full stop on the growth of many nations. Still there are many people who are struggling with the aftermath of the period.
Seeing all these worse situations of the world, i am sad. Obviously, i can not see the whole world but i am witnessing many worlds near me. If problems get solve by my life then i am ready to give my life.
But.... In this journey, everyone has to contribute and give his life's part to this planet !
See you next 🌸 💮 🌼
All pictures are owned by me