When drinking becomes a problem

in We Are Alive Tribe7 months ago

Created with NightCafe

Hello fellow Hivians

I wasn't sure if I should even write about this, but here we are. It wasn't easy to write about this.
When you drink alcohol it is not a problem in general but there are circumstances when it will become a problem quite easily.

I remember a time in my life many years ago when I was so unhappy. Unhappy with me, with my job, my life and everything. I felt depressed and sad and thought the whole world would have something against me. And I was drinking a lot which made it even worse. The alcohol helped to wash and dull the pain and sadness a bit but when you slowly get sober it gets worse. All the problems are back and you feel like a failure. We all know this! I don't know how I got out of this, but I did. At some point I was so sad and thought I should end my life or change it for good. I thought I can't do it like this anymore. Something in my brain made click and I started with a happier life. Depression is almost gone but some rare days I get a dark feeling and I know it's still there in one corner of my mind. Luckily that is not very often.

But this isn't actually what I wanted to write about. I just wanted to make clear that I know the danger of alcohol especially when you are sad and depressed.

I want to talk about my beloved brother. He is one year younger than I am. He is now at a point to go to rehab and I'm happy that he noticed himself that he needs help. Most time people ignore the problem and addiction and you can say whatever you want, they wont believe you. They will blame and scream at you. Once someone realizes that he has an addiction or problem with alcohol it is so much easier to help him. So my brother gets help soon. How did he got here? I can tell just from my point of view.

I would say it started way back when our parents divorced. My brother went with my mother and I stayed with my stepfather. My brother met new bad friends at the railroad station and also was a hooligan. I learned later what it mean to be categorized as C. At this time, it was just bad influence from bad friends. Sure, he already drunk alcohol but not that much I would say. Somehow he got out of this but it took a while.

He met his first wife which was a fury. She was nothing what I would call a wife. There was no support from here and she even hit my brother by car after an argument. She got pregnant, got that kid and wanted a divorce. That's okay but doing everything that the father can't see and spend time with the kid, is not okay. Even the Youth Welfare Office said if the mother cancel all the appointments, they can't do anything. I remember how he cried often because he could not see his child. He drunk often at this time.

Then he met his second wife who already had 3 kids from another man. She got pregnant too and things got worse. He had a hard time there and of course he drunk. Long story short, they divorced and he could not see his kid from this wife either. I can't even imagine how painful that must be.
He still managed his life and worked at this point but was drinking a lot.

He found another women and things went south. He was nearly angry and sad all the time and his life got finally out of control. One day he tried to kill himself because of lovesickness. I was shocked when my mother told me this. He said later he wont do it again but still was drinking like crazy.

Then one day he asked my mother for help. She went with him to a clinic and was shocked when she heard how much alcohol was in his blood, because he was talking and walking normal. It did not worked at this point but today I have good feelings about this. He gets new teeth now and he wants to turn things around. Friday is the appointment for the dentist. They way he told me all that at our last call, makes me believe.
Next month he is going to the rehab and I wish him all the best and power to do this.

Good luck my brother!

Do you know any person who is addicted to alcohol or drugs?
Do you drink? Are you taking drugs?

Thanks for reading!

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Images and screenshots are from me and nightcafe


I am so glad to hear that your brother recognizes that alcohol will not solve his problems. It never does. I don't drink but my life has been impacted by alcohol since childhood. It was brave of you to write this. Thank you.

I'm happy that he is going in the right direction. It's not done yet but I think he will make it. I heard many times that kids got problems with their drinking parents, but luckily that did never happen in my childhood. Sorry to hear that you were impacted by that. Thank you for the comment.

Oh my gosh - only life can write these kind of stories. I am so glad that finally your brother seems to have found a point to turn around and take charge of his life. This must be so very hard. I know my brother struggled with depression (sometimes I think I do, too), I wished I had known sooner, maybe I was blind, he got medication and was getting better but then, five years ago now, - he passed. I am still so very sad and miss him. Your post made me tear up again. I really hope that your brother - er kann die Kurve kratzen und kriegt sein Leben wieder in den Griff. Seine Kinder - wow - das muss so schwierig sein für ihn...
Manchmal denke ich auch, dass ich zu viel Alkohol konsumiere, verglichen mit anderen immernoch wenig, aber schon täglich - and that scares me. Every now and then I take a few days to check in that I can go without it and I can, without a problem but who knows... to me personally some alc still tastes good, I really enjoy the taste i.e. it is not just dull my senses. Recently, I have been thinking a lot about weed, CBD but I'm very hesitant about it, I just don't know. It's kind of like - alc = the devil I know.

I really hope you are okay through all this, Chris. You and your wife as well.

Tut mir leid mit deinem Bruder. Ich hab diese Befürchtung dass wenn mein Bruder 'nicht die Kurve kratzt' er sich zu Tode trinkt.
Das mit dem zuviel Alkohol trinken kenn ich nur zu gut und ich hab dann auch oft Tage wo ich gar nichts trinke. Dann denke ich wie du, das es auch ohne geht. Weed ist nicht mein Ding, da ich überhaupt nicht rauche und auch nie geraucht habe. Ich hab vor vielen Jahren mal einen Kakao gemacht gehabt. CBD find ich in Ordnung weil es kein THC beinhaltet und nicht high macht, aber alle health benefits hat.
Thanks for the wishes and yes... I think I'm okay. 😀

Gut zu lesen, dass es Dir gut geht 😄

Ja, ich rauch auch nicht, habe nie geraucht Gott-sei-Dank und werde es wohl auch nie. Aber heute gibt es ja auch weed/CBD in Keksen und Weingummi und so. Daran denke ich eher...

Wie gesagt, CBD ist gesund. Entzündungshemmend, beruhigend und entspannend. Soll bei Migräne und Schmerzen helfen.
Schau mal hier: https://cbd360.de/cbd-wirkung/

Alcohol can become a problem if you can't stop drinking. People build up a tolerance, and even become semi functional drunks. It's a rough to live, and will lead to an early death.

But I still enjoy it, moderation is the trick!....

I enjoy it too and I think as long as we know the danger and drink moderately we are on the safer side. I don't drink every day or while and before work. I know times from the construction work when people were drinking hard stuff in the morning, otherwise they would not be able to work.

Gut, dass du es uns erzählt und es freut mich, dass er sich nun doch noch eine Chance gibt 🙏 und hoffe, er schafft es und findet sein glückliches Leben 🙏
Und ich hoffe das auch für dich, denke du bist auf einem sehr gutem Weg

Vielen lieben Dank! Die ersten Schritte sind ja getan. Jetzt muss er es nur noch durchziehen.
Bei mir hatte sich ja auch einiges geändert und wird sich in naher Zukunft auch noch zum besseren ändern.

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Alcohol is a sneaky bitch.

Yep... I remember a song were one verse was:

Der Teufel hat den Schnaps gemacht...

The devil made the liquor...

Your brother and I am sure you and your family, because you all love him have suffered a lot because of his addiction.
I really hope the rehab will be successful and that he will find happiness again.

It is very hard for everyone in our family and I really hope it will be successful. Thank you for your kind words.