Decentralized Physical Communities - Part 2

in We Are Alive Tribe11 months ago


Fallacies In Plain Sight

Grouping people into social classes is one of the way the "ruling elite" maintains control over the populous. This elite class engineers (programs) human beings at a global level to act in a certain way. I believe that the primary objective of this ruling class is for humanity to trust in the systems and fallacies presented to us through various established authorities. Schooling is the chief tool used to maintain this social structure and to perpetuate fallacies that keep us in relient on the establishment. We are conditioned from a very young age to trust in authority and group thinking (like a school of fish), and to ultimately mistrust individuality and self reliance.

Aristotle maintained that its is the mark of an educated man to entertain a thought without accepting it. It is with this understanding that I invite you to explore with me the some of the fallacies used to mainatain the status quo, and to question their purpose and validity.

The Fallacy of Education

I posit that our current education system does not teach people how to think, we are taught how to meticulously follow instructions instead. In our current dispensation, intelligence is measured in one’s ability to memorise and recall things that are presented to them. From elementary education all the way to university, we are taught what to think instead of being taught how to think.
We are guided to think within the limited confines of our field of study, thus limiting our knowledge base. Schooling is intended to limit your ability to reason independent of authority. This type of education ultimately dilutes the imagination. We can therefore conclude that the current (centralized) education system perpetuates mass indoctrination and destroys critical thinking and individuality, and ultimately produces very intelligent puppets.

The Fallacy of Politics (The Iullusion of control)

Relying heavily on a compromised education system, politics offer people an illusion of choice and determination. Politicians require that we trust them with the power to make decisions on our behalf. We have learned and continue to learn that politics are really about power and control for those who make it into civic office. Further to this, we continue to learn that politicians are beholden to the whims of big business and multinational organisations. Therefore, no matter how much benovelance or goodwill a politician might have, they will always put the needs of their masters ahead of the needs of the people. It is therefore imperative that we establish a decentralised system of governavce that bypasses conventional politics.

The Fallacy of Authority

An appeal to authority in a debate is looked at as an invalid argument. Yet we appeal to authority on daily basis in our day to day activities, without even thinking about. We trust that bankers, lawyers, pharmacists, computer technicians etc. have our best interest in mind when they interact on our behalf. The truth of the matter is that we cannot trust in any centralized authority. The great idiom dictates; power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The more power you give to an individual, the greater the likelyhood that the will abuse that power.

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The Power of Self Reliance

Essentially, decentralization thrives on self-reliance. For a person to be self relient, they to be involved in understanding what they participating in. The idiom “not your keys, not your crypto” is a good example of self-reliance when it comes to managing your wealth. Every individual must hold and guard jealously the keys to their destiny.

We therefore need to continue building trust-less systems, systems that we can all utilize to honestly interact with the rest of humanity while maintaining the integrity of our individual sovereignty. Far from it just being a tool to amass personal wealth, blockchain technology and decentralized systems present humanity with the power to take back the keys to their destiny.

Taking back our destiny requires huge amounts of responsibility – it cannot be done for you – it needs to be done with your participation. But it is difficult to participate in something you do not understand. We can safely assume that the majority of humanity does not understand decentralized systems. This understanding demnads that those understand must find a way to introduce the power of decentralization to the rest of humanity. We need to build tangible prototypes of the kind of communities we want to live in.

Decentralized physical communities or decentralized civilization is a concept that I think holds the key to opening the door of decentralised governance and living at every level. I believe we can silently bypass the centralised systems of power by using blockchain technology to build new decentralized physical communities from the ground up. Such communities will operate on a trustless system. Like cryptocurrencies and other blockchain technology. I believe that decentralized physical communities will grow exponentially and render centralised systems obsolete once they touch base with the rest of humanity.

A decentralized physical community can begin with a self-reliant gated community that is fully built from the ground up using blockchain technology – with smart systems and smart contracts in place to manage the community. The possibilities are endless; citizens in such a community can be rewarded with tokens that they can use to trade for items they need. But in as much as the possibilities are endless, the first step must be taken, we need to build it first.