Balancing work and studies

in We Are Alive Tribe7 months ago


I got to work this morning feeling tired and drowsy but I had no choice but to get engrossed on my books, as a receptionist I do have spare time at intervals so I use my spare time to study for my upcoming JAMB(joint admission and matriculation board) examination. I must say, handling a full time job and your studies at the same time requires a good level of planning and prioritisation,some people would choose not to work while furthering their education but I'm one of the few people who is balancing a job while studying for a degree.
My colleague seeing how tired and frustrated I get sometimes would ask me why I don't quit my job so as to concentrate on my studies,I would just chuckle and shrug for he doesn't know how most of us who doesn't have sponsors are striving to be a better individual.
Surviving alone all my life has forced me to be a bit too responsible for my age.

I have been on this book for a week and surprisingly my vocabularies have improved drastically, although it is a bit outdated but I find it quite helpful,thanks to the writer.

Sometimes I would just pause and get into a profound thought on how lucky the children of an opulent family are,I mean they don't even have to think about how to pay bills !!!
However I'm mostly great full to God for keeping me healthy and alive.


Balancing work and studies can be challenging, but it is possible with effective strategies and time management skills. By setting clear goals, creating a schedule, and prioritizing tasks, you can allocate your time and energy efficiently. Effective time management, open communication with employers and professors, and utilizing breaks and downtime are key to maintaining balance. Avoiding procrastination, seeking support when needed, and taking care of oneself are also important components. While balance may not always be perfect, with determination and proper planning, you can successfully manage both work and studies and achieve your academic and professional goals.

Glad to see you alive 💪

Thank you so much for your constant support 🥰