Day of 2024-08-16

The day began with rain, so I decided to delay my run and indulge in a few extra cups of coffee. Once the rain subsided, I braved the lingering humidity and headed out for my run, only to realize afterward that I had forgotten to wear my Fitbit—no tracking for the day. In addition to that, thunder had strike a tree, blocking the trail. Despite that, it felt good to get out and get moving.

The LGN market has calmed down, dropping back to 0.8 from over 1. I managed to take advantage of the increase and fulfill some buys, although I couldn't secure as much as I would have liked.

Work took an unexpected turn with some emergencies that required my full attention, causing me to miss my planned recap of the previous day. We had to put in some serious overtime due to issues at a plant in southern Germany. It was a hectic day, but we managed to get things under control by the end.

Fortunately, my better half stepped in and took care of walking the dog for me, which was a huge relief after such a busy day. Knowing the dog was well taken care of allowed me to focus on wrapping up work without any extra stress.


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