Consequences Of Pretends


Here it going to be plain that any human and possibly group of people in which their life is full of pretending style , such nature would directly get open those concerned up to kind of false lifestyle and all sorts of evil to maintain it.

This life is very simple and it's also very complex , and also get along with kind of moderately easy nature of course , subject and task and complicated nature of same. So do also kind of soft and sophisticated nature of stuffs altogether.

Due to the kind of environmental nature of sorts of conditioning ,which such nature of conditioning directly based on the acts of wickedness, and most deepening truth is that , such nature of an environmental conditioning is never necessarily dualized.

Due to such nature of an environmental conditioning , so many people find it very hard in life , and what I long discerned about such nature while observing differences within wide range of people conduct , direct responses , some manners of an approach , an appearances and general standard of living.

For a long while I have been longing , pondering to discern what could directly contribute and cause all of such differences. Then what I could get further discerned as the cause factors was solely on an individual states of background , which the said states of background get covered both the concern parents background , enthnic or tribal group.

Is being recently I get to conceived another discernment on that , in which this i personally case that naileds it , more as a master of assemblies directly get fastening nails on a woods , just to get them whole as could so desired.

The causes based on what I did discerned is basically get tied on the false perception , about life and it existence and direct nature of an integration of same into living and surviving culture. In which that further directly get promote wickedness , and it's core causes of hardship in the country.

Behind the cause factors are most religious people , most of an individual states local council people and the government themselves. Truth is , this false nature of perception about life and it existence. As well and it very integration into living and surviving culture. Is mainly across this side of town.

Religion pretends

The most deadly of them all tie on this very nature . When an individual get to worship the true Creator in the beauty of his core holiness, life can be as ease as the creator himself did created and meant it to be. Though there will and would be wickedness but , won't likely be kind of joined one on wider range of people who are evil together.

Reasons for the nature of pretends , is mainly due to such fact to get appearing more dutiful in terms of scripture based culture and events concerns.

Due to the scripture based culture, they want to be seen as those who embrace and get esteem the most , by the true Creator himself as well as his only begotten Son. And they further get effects such scripture based culture upon themselves through their own very nature of surviving culture.

Touching the very scriptural related events they get going about attempting to effects as many they can through their own joined surviving culture. The worse that further seems more as woes onto the nation , in terms of an escalating and terrible hardship , due to high prices on goods. Most especially those articles of necessities or daily consumeable goods or foods items. That mainly due to their attempt to get effecting their likely most joined evil and wickedness driving nature on famine prophecies. Attemt to get that enforce , that is what everyone is suffering.

States and communities people

This nature of people are only interested for themselves while those within religion who enforcing negative nature of an event from the scripture on a wide scale , to that extent capable leading to national hardship joined and contribute.

Some do how an individual get to live his or her life , those wicked ones would try as much to effect some sorts of drawn back or set back and all sorts which are not healthy at all.

While those that directly get involved only see onto themselves and all of that.

The government

The government in this very side are fully aware of the happening , since is what they wholely desired they are trying everything within them to effects as many events they are able , not minding the states of the people well being and that of the nation at large.

All over , is being known that the national hardship is cause by the mismanagement by the federal government.

But , no way can the federal get fix the seen hardship which directly tie to the economies , without getting fix up an individual states surviving culture and , those widely on religion nature of pretends.

Truth is that to be true is good whether that nature in which you ,are true , seems to make you get appear more as a simple or as a complex type of person or people. It's quite very best for my own perspective.

So , life can be fun , full of splendid and much more best moments without pretends.

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