Every human being has his own pleasures and we are obliged to respect other people's pleasures. Among my pleasures, what I often do is wait for the moments when the sun rises. Almost every day I wait for the beautiful times. If the sky is so clear, then I'm too early to be there. on the highlands to see the beauty of the rising sun. However, I have never enjoyed beauties like this myself. After I got this beauty, I immediately took pictures to share with my friends. So that friends can also feel how beautiful it is to look at the rising sun? I am a person who always waits for beautiful pictures of both sunrise and sunset because my daily life is as a photographer. These few pictures are enough proof that this morning looks so bright and I am the person who is the witness who takes pictures of the beauty. The sun rose today, a Wednesday full of memories for me and activities are the start of my work, taking beautiful pictures, that's my profession so far, here are some pictures, I hope my friends like them and have a happy Wednesday with your family and friends.