It's been a really long time since my last post here in Wednesday Walk hosted by @tattoodjay. I had been limiting my outdoor activities since the pandemic started and walks were quite few and far between. But now that the situation has normalized I expect the walks to be more regular from hereon, and hopefully, Wednesday Walk posts as well.
I visited our neighborhood makeshift market, also called talipapa, to buy some fish for our cats. While there the fish vendor suddenly brought out a very large fish for slicing and cutting up.
It was really big and it needed two guys to carry it.
The fish vendor said this fish weighed about 50 kilograms or about 110 lbs. He also said I should have been there the day before because the fish they cut up and sliced weighed double or 100 kilograms. Wow!
This fish is called Yellowfin Tuna and is called as such because of its yellow dorsal and tail fins.
The vendor said this is sushi grade Yellowfin tuna with its natural red colored meat ranging from pink to deep cherry or garnet red. This meat is commonly used for tuna sashimi and sushi (maguro), poke, and cooking applications that call for leaving the fish slightly raw in the middle.
Cooking grade yellowfin tuna appears reddish-brown and make for good fish filet.
Here's my fish vendor's stall.
Take note on the right side of the photo above the chunks of meat in front of the lady with the face mask. Those are the sliced Yellowfin tuna meat. Here's a closer look.
The next photos are shots of our neighborhood makeshift market or talipapa where you can find almost any food you need.
It's not very upscale but it's convenient. And sometimes, that's enough reason to buy here regardless of how unsanitary and unhygienic it might look. It's like a one stop shopping center where you name it and you surely can find it. Even sushi grade tuna.
Here's a last look of our tuna soon to be sold and feasted on.
That's it folks. Hope you enjoyed this short walk with me. Hope to see you again soon. Have a great rest of the week.