A ¨WednesdayWalk¨ in the city surrounded by nature (Es-Eng)

in Wednesday Walk9 days ago
Como están amigos hivianos, fieles seguidores de esta increíble ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨:  me encanta poder está aquí para acompañar a nuestro amigo tattoodjay:  en esta formidable propuesta semanal, que te incentiva hacer algo saludable y placentero por nuestro organismo, además de recrear la mente mientras fotografiamos los lugares donde acostumbramos caminar

Source: Family Álbum

How are you, hivian friends, faithful followers of this incredible ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨:  I love being here to accompany our friend tattoodjay:  in this formidable weekly proposal, which encourages you to do something healthy and pleasant for our body, in addition to recreating the mind while we photograph the places where we usually walk

Esta semana hemos cambiado completamente el escenario de nuestra caminata, la semana pasada les mostré fotografías preciosas de la naturaleza, hoy les quiero invitar me acompañen a caminar por lugares muy bello de la capital del país

Source: Family Álbum

This week we have completely changed the setting of our walk, last week I showed you beautiful photographs of nature, today I want to invite you to join me on a walk through beautiful places in the country's capital

¨Buenos¨¨Aires¨ no solo es una ciudad preciosa, también es la capital de nuestra ¨republica¨; un verdadero lujo haber estado en la metrópolis y fotografiar todo el entorno de nuestra caminata. Como todas las ciudades importantes de una nación hay cosas preciosas para disfrutar

Source: Family Álbum

¨Buenos¨¨Aires¨ is not only a beautiful city, it is also the capital of our ¨republic¨; It was a real luxury to have been in the metropolis and photographed the entire surroundings of our walk. Like all the important cities of a nation, there are beautiful things to enjoy

Caminar por las calles de esta hermosa capital puedes observar hermosos edificios de épocas, con una ¨arquitectura¨ exquisita con detalles únicos de ¨manufactura¨, grandes y hermosas plazas con esculturas muy interesantes que invitan a detenerse y observar su delicada construcción

Source: Family Álbum

Walking through the streets of this beautiful capital you can see beautiful buildings from different periods, with an exquisite "architecture" with unique "manufacturing" details, large and beautiful squares with very interesting sculptures that invite you to stop and observe their delicate construction

Esta caminata virtual ha sido realmente muy agradable, vimos cosas preciosas que me encanta ver cuando estoy en la ciudad, amo poder levantar la vista y ver preciosos edificios de construcciones futurista ornamentada por el verdor de la naturaleza, es increíble estar frente a construcciones totalmente vidrias cuyos cristales reflejan la presencia de la vida natural. Que genial que mi esposa Gabriela haya tomado nuestra ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ para hacer estas preciosas tomas de las cosas que amo ver en una ciudad

Source: Family Álbum

This virtual walk has been really nice, we saw beautiful things that I love to see when I'm in the city, I love being able to look up and see beautiful futuristic buildings decorated with the greenery of nature, it's amazing to be in front of completely glass buildings whose crystals reflect the presence of natural life. How great that my wife Gabriela took our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ to take these beautiful shots of the things I love to see in a city


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


You had a good Wednesday walk, dear Jose. It's quite healthy as well.

Thanks for sharing those beautiful photographs from your Family Album.


Hello dear friend @ hafiz34 good day
Sorry for the late reply to your comment, but I just saw it today
It has been one of those rewarding and healthy walks
Thank you very much for the support you always give me
Have a beautiful day

#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

It seems a beautiful walk 😊

Buenos Aires is a beautiful city to visit, there are beautiful things to see
Thank you very much dear friend @mysteriousroad for the support you always give me
Have a great day

I really loved this post brother, because although it brings elements of nature that I always appreciate in your writings, here architecture abounds. The palace is impressive, and the building with mirrored glass reflecting the trees looks great 😍 a real treat for me... Thank you.

I have always loved this city, Buenos Aires, it must be one of the most beautiful and complete cities in my country

A lot of natural presence in the streets, and a delicate combination of architecture in the period buildings

Thank you very much dear friend @jesuslnrs for appreciating my posts, you are very kind

Have a beautiful day, a big hug to you and your wife

Que paseo más hermoso, tiene de todo, edificios hermosos, farolas, árboles, y sobre todo una buena caminata!!! Gracias @jlufer, que tengas un excelente día!😃

Buenos Aires es una de esas ciudades que tiene mucha atraccion, lo que hace ideal para caminar por sus calles
Muchas gracias querida amiga @avdesing por apreciar mis fotografias
Un cariño enorme para toda la familia

Sólo una vez fui ahí en el año 95.... fue hermoso!! Gracias a vos!

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

Thank you for carrying out this excellent initiative, dear friend @tatuajedjay
Have a beautiful day

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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
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HiFind - Manual Curation Assistant

Thank you very much dear friend @hivecurators

Great walk my friend it is important we have nature all around us especially in cities it helps us stay connected to the world around us @jlufer
Have the best day

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- @benthomaswwd - Moderator

This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #aliveandthriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving, plus @youarealive is following our Curation Trail.

It's very true what you say, nature connects us with the world around us
Thank you very much dear friend @benthomaswwd for the great support you always give me
A big hug to the whole family

What a beautiful city Grandma visited, and what beautiful photographs she took on this walk. I like how the trees are reflected in the windows of the large buildings.
Beautiful photographs

It's great that grandma visited the city and took these beautiful photographs, those shots of the reflections in the windows of the great building are incredible.

City is very beautiful and for seeing worthless. Good to spend time here.

Yes, dear friend @riaz1122, it is a truly beautiful city, and it is worth walking through its streets
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit

It was indeed nature City
I enjoyed the walk with you

Yes, it is a beautiful city with lots of nature
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit