Recently I have been feeling strange new energy which led to changes and turbulence in my inner feelings. This new energy has been very strong and subtle as it took me days of puzzling over the question “what on earth was happening to me? Why did I recall all the people I had forgotten since my younger days?” It was as if I was watching old movies about my life as a child and teenager. I thought it was a process of reviewing the past and making amend so that I could embark on a new cycle or chapter of my life. I could sense that something drastic’s coming and I should be prepared for whatever the future would bring.
I have been reading about the movements of the solar system in which the earth has been dragging along with the whole bunch of planets towards the galactic center. This has been creating haywire in the electromagnetic flows around the earth and affecting sudden changes in weather patterns including natural disasters. What’s more there had been warnings from several scientists, earthquake watchers and professional observers that new strange energy has been emitting from the center of the galactic center. As we are vibrating bundles of molecules, we would absorb this new energy.
The effects have been quite interesting as reflected by strange experiences by lots of people. They wouldn’t know why they feel different and their thoughts or behaviors would change as a result of this phenomenon. Some people have discussed this strange energy in their daily lives on their blocks on X ( Adapt 2030 on YouTube also discussed the impact on global weather patterns as a result of the new (or repeating the old) cycle as the sun also follows its patterns of cycles.
That’s probably why I have started to experience a ‘painful’ period of inner transition which meant I had to review my accumulated emotional knots which were forgotten or hidden away in dark corners. So far I have begun to understand myself better and all the bits and pieces of incomprehensible knots have been resolved and passed away peacefully. At times, the urge to be by the river or large mass of water was so compelling that I had to get out at night to be by the river. The emotional drive was so strong that I was determined to be by the river despite the dark night.
I just had to sit on the long bench by the ferry pier for about ten minutes to observe that the heavy and oppressive feelings began to disappear. The vibes of the river with movements of water seemed to work like magic. My mood became lighter and I started to want to enjoy life again. So, I took a few photos of the river at night. Then, I made my way towards the night bazaar called Bangrak market place. I wondered whether I could get some coconut ice cream at the night market.
This market place was recently renovated and turned into a nice and modern area for eateries including coffee shops and sweets stalls. It was designed as a big dining hall with food stalls along the wall and eating areas in the middle. Large fans kept the airflow continuously breezy. There was a nice seating atra outside along the footpath making the atmosphere very lively. There was live music entertainment in front of the beer stall. So, people could enjoy their cold bier while listening to live band. I noticed that there were less local customers and tourists around the market place. The high season of tourism has just ended as the rainy season has started. It would be nice to see more visitors enjoying themselves around the food hall.
The were small shops selling clothes and accessories, coffee stalls along the right side of the food hall. I did find a stall selling coconut ice cream inside the food hall. So, I got a small tub of ice cream to reward myself for having good mood and positive vibes again. I noticed a tiny stall offering tarot reading and other divinations. I was tempted to chat up the astrologer or fortune teller. I didn’t want to have any divination, just wanted to have an interview to find out whether he was really talented or psychic. But I decided not to aggravate the situation by being too nosy.
There’s a new restaurant at the corner which seemed to be doing very well. Perhaps the colours of the interior design were very attractive to customers. Small street stalls fitted along the narrow road. Several stalls were selling very cheap cotton shirts and dresses. But the atmosphere was a bit too quiet to cheer up the vendors. Several months ago, this place was thronged with people and tourists. I had a nice slow walk and took some photos of the street food stalls. It’s very difficult to find street food for vegetarians around this bazaar. This helped to save me some pocket money so I had to eat at home as usual.
The elderly Chinese lady selling vegetables was rather busy with customers. The last time I visited her stall, she complained to me about the disappearance of her regular customers. I thought more people had become I’ll and bed ridden which indirectly affected the flow of customers in all markets and shopping malls. This even affected the car park resulting in more available spaces for cars and less income for car parks owners! I bought a few vegetables from the old lady and she gave me discount as always.
Somehow we had become ‘friends’ since I greeted her every time I passed her stall. She asked me to visit her whenever I had the time it was in the area. There’s some kind of friendship and compassionate understanding between us. I told her that she shouldn’t be working so hard at this age. But she had no choice as her children refused to get involved in this business. So, she was still the bread winner of her family. I hoped she would always be in good health throughout her old age.
Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.
Stay strong and cheerful.
#wednesdaywalk created by @tattoodjay.