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RE: An Otakus's Journey: How I Started Loving Anime

in The Anime Realmlast year

The problem for me is that 99.5% of anime/manga just utterly blows. As a medium, I would rank it low. However, it does have some incredible exceptions which take the spotlight.

Everything else is just a shadow attempting to mimic. All the characters and personalities are extremely cookie-cutter, the voice acting is limited to about 7 different 'types', for example, and even the most absurd, ridiculous designs are a dime a dozen (For example, Armstrong in FMA is practicaly copy-pasted into FF7 Rebirth as a flamboyant, overly enthusiastic muscle man, Dio).

I mean, it can't be helped when you, as a country, are churning out infinite content every day, essentially throwing darts at a board of 'anime tropes' and churning out whatever the results are.

For most manga/anime studios, the budgets are tight, and the deadlines even tighter. What that means is, animators for example are essentially on slave wages much of the time, and they mostly just don't have the time or resources to create masterpieces. People say the low framerate is due to budget, but it's really just because it's quicker.

This just isnt an environment conducive to high quality content. It just so happens that some seep through the cracks once in a blue moon, and we should be grateful for that I suppose (FMA, Ghost in the Shell, Death Note, AoT, etc,)

Sorry to drag it down lol. I just don't understand weeby people's attitude that it's just all incredile and beautiful when it all just looks, sounds, and behaves the same across the board with very few exceptions.