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RE: Let's Take A Look At Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro

in The Anime Realm5 months ago

At the time when I saw this anime I liked it only because of the Opening, honestly. Nagatoro was always a very boring character for me, Senpai is another one that I didn't like very much, his victim personality and always letting himself be humiliated by her, and the other characters weren't that great either. I'm surprised at how popular this anime has become, but I imagine it's because of the plot and characters that make it so different from most RomComs today.

Good review.


The issue is that it has been done so much that it all molds into one for me.
I watched without the hype, so for me I got to see the series for what it is.
It's enjoyable and funny with humor. Can't go wrong with that for sure.