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RE: When the time is right...just not now

in Galenkp's Stuff7 months ago

I don't have a collection of watches (the more expensive ones) 🙂
I always had traditional watches, which were not expensive, 150-250e...
A few years ago, when smart watches entered the scene, I did not attach any importance to them, however, when I received the first one as a gift, and put it on my hand, I found out that it has great utility for me.
Since I don't have expensive traditional watches, wearing a watch has never been a matter of prestige for me...
I needed to know what time it was, not to look at where the sun was.
And for that reason, it doesn't matter to me whether I wear a classic or a traditional watch. and how my smart watch serves as an alarm (when I started using it, I stopped turning on the alarm clock), as a notifier of incoming calls, when my phone is not at hand (I'm not one of those people who don't let the mobile phone drop from my hand), even as a weather forecast or sleep quality indicator, stress level indicator and exercise assistant, it has become a must on my wrist...


Can you tell the time by the position of the sun?

On a clear sky, +-1h
But when I wake up at night (need to go to the toilet) then it's not worth looking at the sky...😄
Then I look for some device with a clock (cooker, air conditioning system...) or I look at my smart watch that I wear even while sleeping. I never wore a traditional watch in the house. I don't take off this smartwatch...

I wonder how things would go for people if we didn't have watches, clocks and phones and instead had to tell the time by the sun. Might be chaos.

Probably 🙂 t
Then we would probably wait for each other a lot more...
Considering the orientation of individuals, who know to say: "Left, left. Not that left, the other left", referring to the right, I believe that their 10 in the morning would actually be 2 in the afternoon 🤣

(I'm currently writing a post on the subject of time, I just need to find an adequate picture and post it - now you've given me an idea, only the sundial doesn't record the minutes 🙂)

Good luck with your post, I hope you find the right picture.

Thanks. I think i made it 🙂