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RE: Five years later

in Galenkp's Stuff29 days ago

I cope just well with isolation and shortages of any kind, what really broke my back was the lack of option to keep our jobs, in Portugal many people simply became jobless because of this. I also refused to take any jabs, so that made me lose some friends and discriminated against me on job interviews since then... This days of course i found solutions for money and work, but some people in my family took the jab and died of turbo cancer a few months after... I am always amazed how everyone passes over this issues, the myocarditis rising, the kids simply dying and nobody shares the data and state in Portugal to this days wont publish particular stats regarding this things.


I'm sorry to here of those troubles but for sure it was the same here, some would get vaxxed, others wouldn't, and there was much discrimination, job loss/disadvantage and all. It was a crazy time for many reasons.