Snackin' y'all

in Galenkp's Stuff5 months ago


I've been fortunate to have travelled far and wide all over the planet, (I mean planet Earth here), and along the way have been to some amazing places and met some interesting, awesome people (and some cock-knockers as well admittedly). There's a lot to like about travelling from country to country however one of the best things is learning about different cultures, understanding, and getting involved with, the different ways people live their lives which is quite often very different to my own country. I'd say that aspect of travel in my top three things I like most about travelling.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of that is learning about the different ways, and things, people eat in countries across the world and I've had some tasty adventures in that regard for sure! (Some weren't so tasty though.)

It's impossible for me to single out one type of food, or a single food culture to name as my favourite, there's just too many to like, however Italian food comes to mind...and French, and I like the complexity of spices and flavours in Moroccan food as well. Then...there's the solid option of English food, love me some fish and chips, and...oh yeah, Mexican food as well. Did I mention Asian food? Thai, Malaysian, Indian, Vietnamese and then there's Lebanese, Greek and...ok, so I told you I can't narrow it down!

Today though, I was enjoying a snack from a place I've not yet travelled to.

Biltong is a South African thing, dried meat basically, similar to jerky I guess. It's a low sugar and high protein snack and it's fucken tasty! I don't eat it all day everyday but it makes an easy work snack, or any time snack really, and I've always got some around...until I eat it and then I have none...until I buy more.

So today I was chomping on biltong, and enjoying every bit, when a thought came to me...I wonder what y'all snack on. (That was the thought.)

With that in mind I thought I'd ask the question and, for those of you who are keen, get you to share it in the comments below, maybe with a picture if you have one of your own available. So...if you're keen do that, and if you're not keen don't do it.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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I love biltong. Man, I used to make the stuff on the bulk.

And I mean big pieces, snapsticks, dry-wors, all of it.

I have on occasion taken venison and processed it and then make the different cuts for the different kinds of biltong. Then spice and dry and wholesale them to vendors. I also worked in a Biltong shop retailer.

Now I am in HVAC and when I can get my hands on it, I relish it so much.

Looks like that pre-pack you have there is of beef biltong chunks.

Of course, I have also had a large variety of biltong and I mean: beef, kudu, gemsbok, springbok, ostrich, etc etc etc.

I snack on a lot of things, but biltong is the king when possible!

Love it too man, it's so great! I don't trust people who don't like biltong! 😆

!LOL Indeed

Of course there are some of them that do not eat it because they are vegetarian.

But I have never met a meat-eater that does not love biltong!

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Maybe those vegetarians could have carrot biltong. 😬

Hahaha, just slap that carrot with salt and spices and get that thing in the drier. 🤣🤣🤣

Oh yeah, and it works with broccoli too. 🤮


I love Broccoli but it needs to not pretend to be meat.

I like it too, but on the side of the meat, not as the meat!


Clif bars (on sale), habanero BBQ almonds, lightly salted almonds (got a lot on a big sale), Epic chicken Sriracha jerky bar, Larabar (also bought at a steep discount) and Nature's Bakery fig bars.

My snacks are usually the healthiest I can find on sale or at a discount store. I don't generally have jerky money.

You've got a nice selection there...that epic jerky bar...we don't have that here but I'd love to try it. The Clif bars though, we have them here and I've had...more than a few. 😉

Hi Galen, I don't have many photos of meals, but I remembered that from time to time I share some photo and I found this one in a discord (the photo is mine, of course).

What you see is what's left of a gheimeh, an Iranian stew made of lentils and lamb and served with rice. Persian food is not one of my favorites, but that's the photo I had. And I like this dish too.

I have eaten a fair amount of Iranian food over the years for various reasons and I don't mind it. Like you say, not my favourite, but some is very nice.

I agree, happy Sunday.

Ugh, when I saw this chopped beef (which I didn't have a chance to try, but I believe the taste is exceptional, considering that it's marinated...), I got hungry🙂
Is it allowed to eat, for us at this age?
If you can, so can I 🙂

I took out a piece of Njeguška prosciutto from the fridge (beef prosciutto brought to me by colleagues from Montenegro, premium class), I just need to find a sharp knife...
And the snacking can begin 😀

Haha, yeah at my advanced age (137 years old), I'm able to eat it so I reckon you can too.

Sharp knife? Just bite into it man! 😆

I still have my natural teeth, I'm afraid of breaking them on a piece of prosciutto like this 🙂

Haha, yeah good point, maybe finding a knife is a good idea.

I like nuts ! (shush) ...and have some type of them here all the time. When I went to take this photo, I didn't realize how many I actually had here and that may not be all. I also like fruit, dried and fresh, but I have to minimalize that because, you know, diabetes. I have a box of Medjool dates here now. Yum Yum! I love chips of many kinds too, but I try not to ever bring a bag home, because I have no sense when it comes to them and always eat them up too fast. This is only the edge though as I like many kinds of snacks.


Yep, I'm with your there, I always have nuts on hand for snacking, the same collection you have basically but I add pine nuts sometimes, and Brazil nuts. Dried fruit, especially apricots, is a great snack too but so high in sugar I'm limited to one little piece now and then. I enjoy it though.

Thanks for sharing!

I think I am not fibbing when I say I have never eaten a pine nut. They weren't common around here back in the day, so were not familiar to me. Of course I have seen them on cooking shows and other bloggers in other places, so I know what they are. I love Brazil nuts too, but they are not so common around here either. Once in a while some store will include them in their deluxe mixed nuts, then you buy the bag again and NOPE!... not a one. I did find one store that sold containers of just Brazil nuts and was delighted. For some reason I haven't kept them here as much.

One piece of a good thing just tends to make me mad. LOL.... It's SO unfair... ha ha

Oh... and one more thing, the Marcona almonds are fairly new to me too. I love them so much better than the common ones and they are easier to eat.

Pine nuts have a unique taste and I'm told are quite good for one's health, like with most nuts, good oils and all. Maybe you'll come across them someday and have a try.

Nuts here are very costly, not sure about there, but I've always got them around as they make such a great snack. I'd say that cashewware my favourite but they're also the highest in carbohydrates so not the best for a type 1 diabetic to eat. I love them, but always balance them out with the others. One needs to be sensible, sometimes.

All right I'll bite. That does look good. I love deer jerky and what we called "deer sticks" which was kind of like a Jack Links Beef stick except of course much better with venison and seasoning.

Our latest fad if you will are these Praline Pecans, or some call them Candied Pecans.
They are hellah addictive, (we call them "crack nuts") so fair warning. You can see the container has grown to Costco size lol.


Those pecans look legit! Of course, loaded with sugar so not something I could have much of, but I reckon I'd bend the rules just a little bit. 🤐

I reckon I've seen these at Costco and wanted to try them but with the massive jar...well, I'd be rationing them for the next decade!

Yes, definitely a danger for anyone, let alone the sugar sensitivity because you can't eat just one handful. Always end up going back for more. I have to take some out then lock the jar back in the pantry, even then I sometimes make the trip back into the kitchen for more. hmmm just one more handful. Yum

Haha, it's all about discipline but sometimes discipline goes out the window!

I started to think .... what do I eat for a snack... what? I'm not usually hungry, I always say that the only time of the day when I'm really hungry is in the morning .... I have to have breakfast. Then ... snack... it can be a fruit, some cheese, oil, crackers... something like that. Not all together hahaha

I never want to be without mate!!! Long live mate!

Fruit and cheese make a good snack, crackers too...just had some crackers and cheese myself actually. Oil though? I'm not sure oil would be considered a legitimate snack here fact I know it isn't.

Olives.... I think he translated oil for me hahaha

Ah ok, that makes more sense...I like olives...good snack.

I love them and they are very good for my health... now I'm going to have milanesas with cheese and tomato for lunch, plus salad.

Have you tried out one of Nigeria food? Its one of the richest and sweetest food out there also, that dried meat preparation is called suya over here we usually use it to drink beer especially in cool evenings or any kinda drinks it has alot of pepper and really yummy

Nope, never tried Nigerian food or been there and I guess I'm not likely to go there to try it as Nigeria isn't on my list of places to go...I've heard jollof rice is popular.

Hmmm ok jollof rice is one of Nigeria food though but we have diffenrent country type and how they prepare it for instance we've got the ghana own which is quite tasty

Cheese is a go to. Always several kinds of cheese in the fridge. I had peaches last night. Chips, cookies, onions or scallions. Yogurt. Whatever @pooky-jax has gotten on the BOGO coupon for cheaps. So it changes a bit.

Snacks can be anything I guess, and cheese is a good one! I love cheese, it's the crackers that cause me some issues, the carbs and all.

I've tried Biltong in the past and I find that I enjoy beef jerky more than I liked biltong. It could just be that I didn't find a brand that was good. I would guess just like jerky there are tons of brands and each one has their own nuances. I've been enjoying pickles a lot lately. There is a new brand called Oh Snap! that come in little pouches and they are quite good.

I like pickles too, a legit snack. I sometimes combine them with cheese and crackers.

Yes! That sounds delicious. If the Oh Snap! brand makes it to stores in Australia, you should check them out. My favorite are the sweet and spicy ones, but I know that might not fit into your eating plan.

Biltong... From the description, it sounds like Kilishi in my country...

Its Probably the same thing now that I look at it.
Kilishi is a dried and a bit hardened thin strip of beef.
It's a lovely peppery snack...

Yep, that sounds similar to biltong for sure. I think most countries share similarities in food, but there's differences in spices and ingredients and, of course, some foods taste different due to the ground they were grown in or how they were raised in the case of animals.

Traveling is actually good ,traveling is another ways to gain new knowledge and is another ways to experience good and bad things ,with my current levels of income I always love to travel interstate

Travel is certainly good whether it's interstate or many adventures await.

You say that you have travel far and wide😊 I wonder if you have been to Nigeria before and if you have tasted our pounded yam😂

Nope, on both counts.