Aye man, a steak of any stripe is good but a steak of something you haven't tried before is always a treat!
When you come here I'll take you to a place and you'll get to eat crocodile, camel, buffalo,emu and kangaroo steaks. We have beef ones too of course.
We'll make a crocodile Dundee out of you. We'll call you Scotodile Dundee though...being Scotlandish and all.
Scotodile, that sounds freaky!! Lol
I have had croc and buffalo, in fact buffalo is quite popular here. Well, not really but it is easyish to get as some farms raise them. I am quite partial to a buffalo burger!
I am fecking game for all the above, with some crunchy veggies on the side and boom! I'm a happy man!
Will have to dig out my Scotodile Dundee hat!
Croc is on the menu up there? Awesome...I wonder if Loch Ness monster steaks are available here. 🙄
Get your Scotodile Dundee hat bro, one must.
Hehe, I have only ever seen it in farmers markets. They tend to have the good stuff! It costs a bit but I like to get a bit of whatever exotica they have when I do to the local one on top of my go to Bison burgers which are fucking ace.
A Nessie steak would be tops. Could keep a family of Nessie's in a farm like salmon! Minus the lice of course 😀
Don't worry, I'm going to grow a Nessie (like I grew sea monkeys as a kid) in the Blue Lake in Mt Gambier. A good tourist attraction and I'll be able to carve off a steak when the mood hits.
They are quite hardy beasts. You should be able to trim off a bit ever now and then and it won't harm the thing at all 😀