A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

in Freewriters5 months ago

Hi! This is your friend, I am write about #PicturePrompt of this Friday by the @freeritehouse this Photo was taken by wakeupkitty for the purpose of @pic1000

In this image i see many things like the king sit on horse and he wear on head the crown and many other his fithers also going with him, his back side, I see a big castle that house of king where he take their decision and to take a rest.
I feel that the king is riding on horse in eangry mood to their enemies for war. because, in this imge the king say to his army less come for fight know and they go fastly as like them have a emergency with their king.
The king to prepare their all army for fight with his empire enemies. They gone for fight in danger mood, the king thinking that today we won this fight. This army ready for fight, and they go with his lord to his call for fight.


Remember the film Gladiator, the king was present in the distance..., the protagonist was the one who carried the burden, heh, heh, heh.

!gifs friend