A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words / when time catches up with us

in Freewriterslast year (edited)



An older woman looks in the window thoughtfully and sadly, and in the background we see a clock which tells us that she is thinking about the time that has passed and perhaps about things that she has not done or that she did but that she would do differently.


In that image you feel the melancholy of times past where we perhaps let the joys escape by wanting to enjoy joys in the future instead of enjoying each day, of course we must pursue our dreams but. without forgetting the joys that life offers us in the present.


Time passes relentlessly, without even asking us
Although we waste life in dead thoughts
Thinking every moment about a dreamed future
Passing before our eyes the beautiful life within our reach

why desire other people's lives in selfish anguish
Without even knowing the scourges of that life
Bittering our steps wishing for other people's steps
Taking away the laughter of every moment from our arms

this is how time passes wearing out our steps
until when we stop tired we see that time has left us
sitting like this looking in the window into the distance
In a past now foreign, the laughter that we did not take
even when they rose asking for our arms
thus ignoring the joy that we longed for

be careful to look at other lives and not live our steps
so time catches up with us rusting our dreams
without enjoying the joys that the road offers us
so when we achieve our perfect dreams
We will have lived in laughter and not in other people's sadness



Una mujer mayor que ve en la ventana pensativa y cono con tristeza, y en el poso se ve un reloj lo que nos indica que esta pensando en el tiempo que a pasado y quisas en cosas que no a hecho o que hizo pero que haria distinto


En esa imagen se siente la melancolia de tiempos pasados donde quisas hacemos escapar las alegrias por querer disfrutar alegrias en el futuro en ves de disfrutar cada dia, claro que debemos perseguir nuestros sueños pero. sin olvidar las alegrias que la vida nos brinda en el presente.


El tiempo pasa implacable, sin preguntarnos si quiera
Aunque desgastemos la vida en pensamientos muertos
Pensando cada instante en un futuro soñado
Pasando ante nuestros ojos la vida bella a nuestro alcance

por que desear vidas ajenas en angustia egoísta
Sin saber siquiera los azotes de esa vida
Amargando nuestros pasos deseando pasos ajenos
Alejando de nuestros brazos las risas de cada instante

asi pasa el tiempo desgastando nuestros pasos
hasta que al detenernos vemos que nos dejo el tiempo
asi sentados mirando en la ventana a lo lejos
en un pasado ahora ajeno las risas que no tomamos
aun cuando rosaron pidiendo nuestros brazos
ignorando asi, la alegria que que anhelabamos

cuidado de mirar otras vidas y no vivir nuestros pasos
asi el tiempo nos alcanza oxidando nuestros sueños
sin disfrutar las alegrias que nos brinda el camino
asi al alcanzar nuestros sueños perfectos
habremos vivido en risas y no en angustias ajenas


We all have our lives to live, let's enjoy each moment and not to live the lives of others, wishing we were others.

Let's not envy others, everyone has their own pain or scourge but let us always live in the now.

Honestly, we think about the past today and before we realize it, the day's gone without us enjoying the time given to us.

Truly, time passes relentlessly and it's very easy to loose track, while ignoring what actually demands our attention.
Good submission, greetings.

As long as the past is like a warm embrace it is good to be there but we should keep in mind that today we build our memories of a new past so we better live to create that new embrace filled with love and laughter.

Thank you for sharing this story with the community 👍