in Freewriters9 months ago


WHAT IS WHAT I SEE: Here you can see several people queuing to enter the world of books that makes you enter and activate the imagination and in the background you can see a dragon that is like the guardian of the books and the world of fantasy and adventures that books give.

WHAT IS WHAT I FEEL: Here we see an expectation and a sensation of seeking adventures in the imagination that when reading a book makes us enter, in this way we entertain ourselves and in the process we increase the connection between the neurons by extending the neural networks which protect us from suffering from senile dementia or if we will suffer from it it will do so later in life.

Books are an entrance to a wonderful world
full of adventure, love, and rainbow adventures
commanded by the imagination in every word
world that we touch with our free mind

This is the guardian of words
making sure you take care of each valuable book
portal to wonderful and enchanted worlds
gymnastics of words that cheer the soul

In this world where digital rules
little by little burying the magic of books
let's teach the children that wonderful world
where your imagination will put the best movie, let's rescue the world, the eternal books


QUE ES LO QUE VEO: Aquí se ve varias personas que hacen cola para entrar en el mundo de los libros que hace entrar y activar la imaginación y al fondo se ve un dragón que es como el guardián de los libros y el mundo de la fantasía y aventuras que dan los libros.

QUE ES LO QUE SIENTO: Aquí se ve una expectación y una sensación de buscar la aventuras en la imaginación que al leer un libro nos hace adentrar, de esa manera nos entretenemos y de paso aumentamos la coneccion entre las neuronas extendiendo las redes neuronales lo que nos protege de padecer demencia senil o si la padeceremos lo hará mas tarde en la vida.

Libros es una entreda a un mundo maravilloso
lleno de aventuras, amor, y aventuras de arco iris
comandado por la imaginación en cada palabra
mundo que tocamos con nuestra mente libre

Así esta el guardián de las palabras
vigilando que cuides cada libro valioso
portal a mundos maravillosos y encantados
gimnasia de palabras que alegra el alma

En este mundo donde lo digital manda
enterrando poco a poco la magia de los libros
enseñemos a los niños ese mundo maravilloso
donde tu imaginación pondrá la mejor película rescatemos el mundo le los libros eternos


We should never abandon the world of books because it has actually been proven to arrest dementia.
Great piece. 😊

That's right, books are the brain's gymnastics to avoid childhood dementia.

You have an interesting poem there. Great work.

thank you for appreciating my art

Let's hope everyone will start reading again although those magic books are rarely written today.

Thank you for joining pic1000 👍

We as parents, when we are parents, must encourage reading to our children. It is the only way.