Cuéntame una historia La legendaria y magica ave dorada/The legendary and magical golden bird

in Freewriters11 months ago


Mi vida era perfecta al lado de la mujer que amaba tan profundamente, que verme sin ella mi corazón no lo soportaría. La había conocido en un concierto de pop de MICHAEL JACKSON, estaba allí hermosa y bella, escuchando y entonando las canciones que tanto me gustaban.

Empezamos a salir y con el tiempo nos hicimos novios y después nos casamos, era todo felicidad hasta que un día quedo embarazada pero mi esposa empezó a padecer de una rara enfermedad que ponía en peligro su vida y de nuestro amado hijo.

Busque por todos lados, a todos los médicos y ninguno daba con la cura y ella sufría y no mejoraba, busque brujos, chamanes, hasta que me hablaron de un indio curandero que muchos decían que era milagroso, vivía en un lugar muy apartado al borde de la selva amazónica.

Con mi ultima esperanza en salvar a mi amada y mi hijo amado que estaba en su vientre, aun cuando faltaban 3 meses para que diera a luz pero si no se curaba casi seguro morirían mi esposa y mi hijo, conseguí dinero pidiendo prestado y haciendo un post de recaudación y pude viajar junto a mi esposa en la selva amazónica en un avión ambulancia y después de un trayecto difícil en jep logramos llegar.

El indio tenia muchas hiervas y otros ingredientes extraños en el sitio de cura, reviso a mi amada, hiso varios ritos y no hallaba como ayudarla, ya cuando estaba cayendo en la desesperación, en la noche que se fue a dormir el indio y yo sin poder dormir rezando a dios o a quien me escuchara, el indio se despertó exaltado, se levanto rápido y busco varios ingredientes y me dijo que tuvo un sueño donde los dioses le mostraron como ayudar a mi amada.

Preparo una pócima y se la dio y allí ella se sintió mejor pero luego me dijo que eso era temporal y la cura definitiva era que buscara la pluma dorada de la legendaria ave dorada, no lo tenia pero con haría la pócima que curaría a mi esposa y la haría invulnerable a cualquier enfermedad, pero para encontrarla debería entrar en la profundidad de la selva donde nadie había regresado a buscar la pluma, en esa selva llena de tigres y de la tribu perdida del ave dorada que protegía al ave.

Sin importarme mi integridad y solo pensando en lograr salvar a mi amada, me encomendé a dios, le di un beso apasionado a mi esposa y emprendí el viaje en un bote, acompañado de un aprendiz del indio que me llevaría cerca.

Así emprendimos el viaje por casi 1 mes y sabiendo la premura del tiempo llegamos a un lugar donde había un camino que llevaba a lo mas profundo de la selva.

Armado con un cuchillo y la fuerza de mi amor por mi amada que dependía de mi, emprendí el viaje siguiendo al indio aprendiz del curandero, que sabia como esconderse y conocía muy bien el lugar. Así el me salvo varias veces de ser picado por serpientes, arañas y escorpiones y después de 5 días de viaje escuchamos un ruido y el indio enseguida se escondió, pero al no ser tan experto, no pude esconderme muy bien y los indios del ave dorada, me atacaron e hirieron con un veneno que poco a poco me empezaba a matar, pero mi amor por mi esposa me daba fuerza.

Así empecé a huir y en eso logre escuchar el ruido de un ave que nunca había escuchado y al estar cerca de allí vi que los indios se apartaron y al ver que por allí habían 5 tigres que rodeaban a la legendaria ave dorada, pensando en mi amada y aun cuando el veneno minaba mis fuerzas, vi al tigre mayor que se estaba acercando a un ave dorada que estaba herida.

Al ver esa ave apunto de ser atacada por ese tigre y deborada por el, imaginandome a mi esposa y que las plumas de esa ave eran su salvacion, me llene de mucha energia y gran valor y pegando un grito que retumbo toda la selva saque mi cuchillo y ataque a ese tigre que era el mas grande y fuerte de todos. Asi logre clavarle el cuchillo por el cuello al quedar el tigre un momento paralizado por ese grito, pero enseguida, me lanzo un zarpaso que abrio una gran herida en el pecho, pero no me amilane y aun con gran dolor, pero pensando en que yo era su unica esperanza, me volvia a lanzar contra el tigre, esquibe otro zarpazo y logre subirme arriba del tigre, con fuerza de voluntad, por el amor a mi esposa, logre desde arriba hundirme en el cuello el cuchillo y con un gran corte logre matarlo. Asi con casi mi ultimo aliento hice otro grito que me salio del alma, estando encima del tigre, ya triunfante, me desvaneci y no supe de mi.

Al despertar, vi mis heridas curadas, estaba pintado y me habian vestido con las ropas de esa tribu, que me dieron un tocado con las plumas del ave. Me habian dado la pocima milagrosa que me curo del veneno y de las heridas.

Por mi acto de valentia que habian visto y por salvar a el ave dorada, que era su dios mas sagrado, me consideraron desde ese dia un guerrero legendario y me habia ganado el derecho de ser parte de su tribu. Asi me despedi de ellos y empeze a retornar a donde estaba mi amada y ya estando lejos se aparecio el indio que habia visto todo.

Ya cuando volvimos, vi al chaman, que me hiso ver que ademas del tocado de plumas, tenia un bolso que me dieron los indios con muchas plumas del ave dorada, el indio curandero hiso la pocima y asi logro curar a mi esposa y mi hijo, que casi inmediatamente dio a luz despues de que bebiera la poscima, casi no logre salvar a mi esposa pero dios me ayudo.

Es asi que logre seguir con mi nueva familia con una hermosa historia que podia contar y ese tocado y la ropa que me dieron que daba fe de mi aventura

Todas las imágenes utilizadas fueron generadas con la página, la historia la escribe mi alfrin, la imagen del avatar está hecha por un dibujo mío que escaneé.


My life was perfect next to the woman I loved so deeply, that seeing myself without her my heart would not bear it. I had met her at a MICHAEL JACKSON pop concert, she was there beautiful and beautiful, listening and singing the songs that I liked so much.

We started dating and over time we became boyfriend and girlfriend and then we got married, it was all happiness until one day I became pregnant but my wife began to suffer from a rare disease that put her life and our beloved son in danger.

I looked everywhere, at all the doctors and none of them found a cure and she suffered and did not get better, I looked for witches, shamans, until they told me about an Indian healer who many said was miraculous, he lived in a very remote place on the edge of the Amazon rainforest.

With my last hope of saving my beloved and my beloved son who was in her womb, even though there were 3 months left before I gave birth but if she was not cured my wife and my son would almost certainly die, I got money by borrowing and making a fundraising post and I was able to travel with my wife to the Amazon jungle in an ambulance plane and after a difficult journey by jep we managed to arrive.

The Indian had a lot of herbs and other strange ingredients in the healing place, he checked my beloved, he performed several rituals and I couldn't find a way to help her, when I was falling into despair, on the night the Indian and I went to sleep without To be able to sleep praying to God or to whoever would listen to me, the Indian woke up exalted, he got up quickly and looked for several ingredients and told me that he had a dream where the gods showed him how to help my beloved.

He prepared a potion and gave it to her and she felt better but then he told me that it was temporary and the definitive cure was for me to look for the golden feather of the legendary golden bird, I didn't have it but I would make the potion that would cure my wife. and would make it invulnerable to any disease, but to find it he would have to enter the depths of the jungle where no one had returned to look for the feather, in that jungle full of tigers and the lost tribe of the golden bird that protected the bird.

Without caring about my integrity and only thinking about saving my beloved, I entrusted myself to God, gave my wife a passionate kiss and began the trip in a boat, accompanied by an Indian apprentice who would take me nearby.

Thus we undertook the trip for almost 1 month and knowing the pressure of time we arrived at a place where there was a path that led to the deepest part of the jungle.

Armed with a knife and the strength of my love for my beloved who depended on me, I began the journey following the Indian apprentice of the healer, who knew how to hide and knew the place very well. Thus he saved me several times from being bitten by snakes, spiders and scorpions and after 5 days of travel we heard a noise and the Indian immediately hid, but not being so expert, I could not hide very well and the Indians of the golden bird , they attacked me and wounded me with a poison that little by little began to kill me, but my love for my wife gave me strength.

So I started to run away and at that point I managed to hear the noise of a bird that I had never heard before and when I was close to there I saw that the Indians moved away and when I saw that there were 5 tigers surrounding the legendary golden bird, thinking about me beloved and even when the poison sapped my strength, I saw the older tiger that was approaching a golden bird that was injured.

Seeing that bird about to be attacked by that tiger and eaten by him, imagining my wife and that the feathers of that bird were her salvation, I was filled with a lot of energy and great courage and, letting out a scream that echoed throughout the jungle, I took out my knife and attack that tiger that was the biggest and strongest of all. Thus I managed to stab the knife through its neck when the tiger was paralyzed for a moment by that scream, but immediately, it launched a claw at me that opened a large wound in the chest, but I was not daunted and even in great pain, but thinking that I It was his only hope, he threw me again against the tiger, I dodged another blow and managed to climb on top of the tiger, with force of will, for the love of my wife, I managed to sink the knife into my neck from above and with a large cut I managed to kill him So with almost my last breath I made another scream that came from my soul, being on top of the tiger, already triumphant, I fainted and did not know about myself.

When I woke up, I saw my wounds healed, I was painted and they had dressed me in the clothes of that tribe, who gave me a headdress with the bird's feathers. They had given me the miraculous potion that cured me of the poison and the wounds.

Because of my act of bravery that they had seen and for saving the golden bird, which was their most sacred god, they considered me from that day on as a legendary warrior and I had earned the right to be part of their tribe. So I said goodbye to them and began to return to where my beloved was, and once I was far away, the Indian who had seen everything appeared.

When we returned, I saw the shaman, who showed me that in addition to the feather headdress, he had a bag that the Indians gave me with many feathers of the golden bird, the Indian healer made the potion and that's how I managed to cure my wife and my son. , who almost immediately gave birth after drinking the poison, I almost didn't manage to save my wife but God helped me.

This is how I managed to continue with my new family with a beautiful story that I could tell and that headdress and the clothes they gave me that attested to my adventure.

All the images used were generated with the page, the story is written by my alfrin, the image of the avatar is made by a drawing of mine that I scanned.


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