Jimmy has been married to Anne for over five years now. Initially the two were inseparable. However, with the passage of time and due to the union not been fruitful Jimmy started becoming less attentive and even romantic to the wife. This in essence gave Anne a source of concern.
They have visited many physicians with several tests conducted. All seen to be well with the couple but no one could say what exactly was the problem. Anne knows too well that for peace and harmony to return to the house she needs to produce a child for Jimmy and his family.
Anne , having seen it all decided to try her luck outside the comfort dof her husband. She took in an politely robbed it on Jimmy the husband. Few months later she gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. Joy suddenly returned to the house. A child is born and his is named Jimmy Jnr.
But as Jimmy Jnr started maturing certain traits in him raised his father's suspicion that he may not truly be from him. At first he did not want to accuse the wife of infidelity. But as the days go by and with queer behaviour and attitude of Jimmy Jnr became unbearable to everyone eyebrows began to be raised.
Jimmy took the bold step to confront the wife, although in a polite manner. Both agreed for a paternity test at the county's general hospital in two days time.
As the date draws closer Anne became unease. She knows the truth but how can she divulge. That will be the end of her marriage with Jimmy. She does not want that to happen.
On the date fixed for the test, Jimmy came home to pick the wife and son but only met an empty house. He stepped in from the front door that was left ajar and discovered that Anne had gone with all her belongings including those of his sons. Jimmy collapsed.
A Five Minute Freewrite: A Date.