Inflation. I like the picture from of of the balancing act of the spoon balancing the coin money against a potato. Like trying to figure out how one will eat.
Well, how does one afford to eat while the prices go high. Yet, one has to remember when there is too much of one product, what happens? Well, that product will likely go on sale. You know like when the investor tells you to buy low, sell high.
But I say buy low, and eat that when prices are high, to get satisfied.
I wrote a blog awhile back when a can of chili beans was only 98 cents a can. Well, what did I do? I pulled out the larger bills and bought at 20 to 30 at a time, cause I knew the price was going to go up again. As a matter of fact the last time I seen chili beans that low it was about a couple of years earlier.
And what was it about chili beans, that I wanted it? Well, they are in a can and also there is meat in it. One can, can be a good meal. Unless I am hungry and I will eat two cans of that stuff.
So here I am years later and I still have some cans of those chili beans with meat, and now the same can is about $1.88 in other stores.
How about the time I bought hamburger meat for only $1.98 a pound in one pound units. Well, three twenty dollar bills could buy 30 pounds of that meat. Sometimes you have to move fast as $1.98 a pound for hamburger meat won't last long, so I tried to stuff my freezers as much as I can. I'm still eating the hamburger meat, when at the same store I bought the hamburger meat for $1.98, I see the current price of a one pound hamburger unit is selling for $5.38 or something like that.
Buy low and eat when the price is high, and get satisfied.
Remember when I bought a 42 pound of cheddar cheese for only 25 dollars? You know a pound of cheddar cheese can cost up to 4 dollars a pound easy, yet I did get to buy a 42 pound cheese for only 25 dollars, that is only about 59 and half cents per pound. I'm still eating that cheese, it saved me a lot of money.
What is the latest thing I am buying while the price is down. At my favorite store called Curry's, they have been selling 2 pound bags of frozen pineapple chuncks for $2.99 a bag.
One thing I like to do with frozen pineapple is just to eat them as they are, frozen, as a dessert. Also the pineapple will help in digestion with all that bromelain enzzyme and also there is a lot of fiber in those pineapple chuncks. So I am stocking up, until they stop selling this pineapple on sale.
So during these inflation times there will always be sales here and there, when that happens, then it is time to buy in bulk.
Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, The ants a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer; Proverbs 30:25.
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Thank you, David.
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